Re: Hit-testing for pointer events

In my mind, determining the event target by touch (whether by fuzzing or
whatever) feels like a platform dependent operation.
Therefore I think this probably should not be dictated by the PointerEvent

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:56 AM, Wes Johnston <>wrote:

>  I was glancing at the specification tonight and ran across a section
> detailing touch-action:
> "When a user touches an element, the effect of that touch is determined by
> the value of the touch-action property and the default touch behaviors on
> the element and its ancestors. To determine the effect of a touch, find the
> nearest ancestor (starting from the element itself) that has a default
> touch behavior."
> I'm curious what exactly the specification means by "touches an element"
> or "nearest ancestor", especially given touch events may occur over a area
> rather than only occurring at a single point. Is it worth specifying a
> behavior for finding elements near a touch (either within the touch radius
> or using a fuzzy constant around the center of the touch point)?

Received on Friday, 29 March 2013 20:07:49 UTC