Issues blocking Last Call Working Draft [Was: Re: Draft minutes: 29 January 2013 call]

On 1/29/13 12:56 PM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
> The draft minutes from the January 29 voice conference are available 
> at <> and 
> copied below.

Hi Rick,

The last topic of the meeting was a discussion about moving Pointer 
Events to Last Call WD [LC]. The gist of the conversation is that LC is 
blocked on agreeable resolutions to:

1. Bug 20217 <>

2. Bug 20222 <>; see 

3. Making click/contextmenu use PointerEvent interface; 

I agreed to followup with you to make sure you know we want your 
feedback on these issues (via the list and/or directly in the bugs).

-Thanks, Art

[LC] <>

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 13:47:13 UTC