Re: Bug 20217 - Expand touch-action property to include more of the values implemented by IE?

This sounds perfect to me Jacob, thank you very much!

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:51 AM, Jacob Rossi <>wrote:

>  Hey folks,****
> ** **
> Looking at this bug, we agree that pan-x and pan-y will add additional
> valuable use cases and also fall within the scope of the Working Group’s
> charter.  These values allow the author to specify that the user agent may
> consume touches for scrolling a document along a particular axis.****
> ** **
> The following text is what we’d like to propose to address this bug:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> pan-x
>      The user agent MAY consume touches that begin on the element for the
> purposes of horizontally scrolling the element's nearest ancestor with
> horizontally scrollable content.
> pan-y
>      The user agent MAY consume touches that begin on the element for the
> purposes of vertically scrolling the element's nearest ancestor with
> vertically scrollable content.
> Note: the terms "pan" and "scroll" are considered synonymous. Defining an
> interaction or gesture for triggering panning or scrolling, or for
> triggering behavior under auto, none or inherit values are out of scope for
> this specification.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> So the things to note here are:
>   1. Pan-x/Pan-y describe the action, not the user input (e.g., touch
> gesture) to invoke a pan.  This is consistent with the WG charter.
>   2.  A user input (e.g., touch gesture) that invokes Pan-x/Pan-y is
> determined by the user agent and out of scope of the specification per the
> WG charter.
>   3.  A user agent has the freedom to define a user input that invokes
> Pan-x/Pan-y behavior, such as 2-finger drag, amount of pen pressure, or
> others.****
> ** **
> I’ll be happy to explain this further during our call tomorrow.****
> ** **
> -Jacob
> ****

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 14:36:43 UTC