[Bug 26809] IE11 on Win8.1 fires a click event after pointer has moved when element has touch-event: none


--- Comment #9 from Patrick H. Lauke <redux@splintered.co.uk> ---
We could even simplify the codepen further, removing any preventDefault-ing
that may appear like it's cheating...just a clean <div> and a click listener
(changed the <a> to a <div> and left the <div> empty so browsers don't start
doing some other default behavior, like dragging the link itself or
highlighting text). http://codepen.io/patrickhlauke/pen/lBJhI

In Chrome or Firefox, with the mouse: press the mouse button down on the
element, move the mouse while keeping button pressed, release mouse button
somewhere else within the same element...click is consistently fired. And this
is the behavior that effectively happens with Pointer Events, as this model
extends mouse events. So this behavior is intended, and it's per spec.

Touch Events are fundamentally different from any other event handling that
came before them...they did not inherit the traits of mouse events, so they
behave differently. But it's not the case that Touch Events "respect" any kind
of spec definition while Pointer Events don't.

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Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 23:31:01 UTC