[Bug 26809] IE11 on Win8.1 fires a click event after pointer has moved when element has touch-event: none


--- Comment #2 from Patrick H. Lauke <redux@splintered.co.uk> ---
A perhaps simpler way to conceptually understand this is:

- pointer events are based on mouse events (they extend them)
- with touch-action:none, you're suppressing any UA-specific behavior piled on
top of a touch (as touching is overloaded on touchscreen devices...a touch is
used both for activating things AND for scrolling etc)
- the end result is that with touch-action:none you get pretty much the
equivalent behavior to mouse events (where you also see a 'click' happening if
you did a mousedown on the element, moved the mouse around while the button is
pressed, and then released the mouse again over the same element)

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Received on Monday, 15 September 2014 20:01:16 UTC