Re: Updated design of Implementation Results input sheet (Google)

This looks good to me...



Ivan Herman
Tel:+31 641044153

(Written on mobile, sorry for brevity and misspellings...)

> On 2 Oct 2017, at 19:58, Michael Steidl (IPTC) <> wrote:
> I’ve updated the HTML page:
> If reflects what’s in the input sheet.
> If more explanation is required in the heading of  the page please provide the language.
> Best,
> Michael
> From: Michael Steidl (IPTC) [] 
> Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 5:42 PM
> To: 'Ivan Herman' <>
> Cc: 'Dr. Renato Iannella' <>; 'Benedict Whittam Smith' <>; 'W3C POE WG' <>
> Subject: RE: Updated design of Implementation Results input sheet (Google)
> Got it, the X in the Tested By columns is missing. Should be in the Validation column, just added it.
> Best,
> Michael
> From: Ivan Herman [] 
> Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 5:26 PM
> To: Michael Steidl <>
> Cc: Dr. Renato Iannella <>; Benedict Whittam Smith <>; W3C POE WG <>
> Subject: Re: Updated design of Implementation Results input sheet (Google)
> On 2 Oct 2017, at 17:11, Michael Steidl (IPTC) <> wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> thanks for your feedback.
> Re “headers”: that will work, rows without a Test Case ID will be shown in bold by the script.
> Re line/row 80: sorry, can’t get the issue. N# Test Cases are Normalization cases on the Validation page and N5 is about creating multiple atomic rules from a compound rule with multiple targets and/or actions - or did I misunderstand your message?
> - N4 in the wiki page is categorized under 'Normalization' and, in the spreadsheet, there is an 'X' for the column 'Validation'
> - N5 in the wiki page is categorized under 'Normalization' and, in the spreadsheet, there isn't any 'X' neither for 'Validation' nor for 'Evaluator'. 
> N5 is the only one that does not belong to any of those two. If you say that is normal, I believe you!
> Ivan
> Best,
> Michael
> From: Ivan Herman [] 
> Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 4:13 PM
> To: Michael Steidl <>
> Cc: Dr. Renato Iannella <>; Benedict Whittam Smith <>; W3C POE WG <>
> Subject: Re: Updated design of Implementation Results input sheet (Google)
> Hi Michael,
> (I presume that you would dump the spread sheet into HTML or Markdown in the final report.)
> I do like it. Just two minor things:
> - (I hope it is all right with you) I have changed the "header" for each feature into bold; it makes the text properly segmented and makes it clearer in my view. I hope that can be retained when converted into HTML.
> - I found a test that is nether evaluator nor validation test: line 80. Is there something missing there?
> Otherwise if we dump it into some fixed format, like HTML, then I guess this is fine.
> Thanks!
> Ivan
> On 2 Oct 2017, at 15:52, Michael Steidl (IPTC) <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> At today’s POE call Ivan suggested to make the Exit Criteria the key elements of the Implementation Report and to make Test Cases sub-items of each Exit Criterium.
> Following Exit Criteria page on Github - - I’ve updated the input sheet now: - please ignore rows below 95.
> A few notes on the
> CR-IM-01: has V6 2 times, guess should have V5 too
> CR-IM-12: E15 has only 4 sub-cases
> Be aware of the 3 Exit Criteria without a test case currently – notice in pink. Should be filled in soon.
> Please let’s discuss this redesign at the level of the Google sheet first, after an agreement I’ll adapt the script creating the standalone HTML page from it.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C 
> Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C 
> Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Monday, 2 October 2017 18:37:43 UTC