- From: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 14:30:00 +0100
- To: POE WG <public-poe-wg@w3.org>
With many European countries on holiday today, there were insufficient people for a full meeting. Nevertheless, a couple of general discussions were held as recorded at https://www.w3.org/2017/06/05-poe-minutes and textified below. Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 05 June 2017 [2]Agenda [3]IRC log [2] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170605 [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/06/05-poe-irc Attendees Present CarolineB, ivan, phila, renato, victor Regrets Michael, Much_of_Europe, Sabrina, Serena Chair Ben Scribe phila Contents * [4]Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes <renato> Is all of Europe on holidays? <ivan> well, most of it <ivan> but... the meeting is marked to be cancelled? <renato> I am ok to cancel it [General discussion about whether there are sufficient people for a meaningful meeting] benws11111: Not enough people IMO … Can we clarify some dates - when are we next looking to publish renato: The next milestone is to go to CR renato: Got to get things lined up for that renato: In theory, it was going to be at the F2F but we weren't close to resolving the outstanding issues. … No new target set as yet … My my POV, I can see maybe another couple of weeks for the 2 deliverables, then the test cases ivan: We have a plan for how to do the test cases? … If we have a plan and say they'll be complete shortly. … Going to CR doesn't need all the test cases to be in place <CarolineB> *me sorry to be late benws11111: When we go to Rec, we're going with 2 documents? [Yes] benws11111: benws11111 What will be the status of the Vocab? ivan: Recommendation benws11111: It's going to be quite small though isn't it? renato: Not too small. benws11111: So if they go into the Rec process, does that mean the UCR needs to be in its final form ivan: There's no process requirement on the UCR ivan: It's usually closed at the end of the process. Might want to make some final bits to the UCR to point to where Recs are met phila: Outlines different assumptions about what an ODRL Evaluator returns and therefore what inputs it needs benws11111: It makes sense that an agreement or offer is in effect, not sure what a Set being in effect means <victor> different blackboxes will need different inputs/outputs. Yes, I am defining an API, ivan <renato> [5]http://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#constraint-party [5] http://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#constraint-party [Discussion about what a black box and an evaluator needs to know] <benws11111> +1 ivan: We don't need to standardise the behaviour of the black boxes … Each implementation has to answer the questions Phil is asking, but they can do it as they wish benws11111: The policy evaluator is, given these inputs from the black boxes, is this policy in play or not renato: Do you mean policy or Rule benws11111: Rule renato: If there were a Rule with 6 constraints, do we say give me a true or false for all of them? benws11111: Describes a black box per constraint. Get back all the answwers <victor> You can play this on Tuesday. BLACKBOX1: "I need the current time". BLACKBOX2: "I need the current time and the party's location, to determine whether in his/her location we are already on Tuesday". Specific implementations need different params, but cannot standardize that --> black boxes should be very black renato: All need to know that all constraints are satisfied for the Rule to be in force benws11111: We'd need a different charter to handle the kind of processing Phil's talking about ivan: We're defining a vocabulary, no more ivan: We'd need a market for black boxes. [AOB] benws11111: Not asking for accepting minutes etc. as not quorate this week. Will pick up next week. ivan: How close are really to a CR? ivan: I'm a little worried that the F2F had to discuss pretty heavy technical issues that are still not closed. … I saw the Renato/Michael discussion this morning benws11111: We did make those tech decisions, I think. ivan: The SKOS/Not SKOS discussion is about whether we have additional semantics on those terms. … If so, then those semantics need to be properly defined and put in the doc. benws11111: I would say the semantics are up to the formal semantics editors ivan: But the semantics have to be reflected in the Rec Track doc. The Semantics doc isn't Rec Track. … Something has to go into the model and vocab that is binding. renato: The 1st attempt to define narrowerThan and implies didn't work but that's always the way. We need to clarify that these are not SKOS-like … Then in for FS doc, we provide the maths renato: I think we just go through the usual collaborative process. Say that we're not going to use SKOS for those. We can still use it for concepts ivan: But what does it bring that SKOS doesn't have? … Not sure what it brings to have it. ivan: If people are happy, I'll be quiet. renato: Did the Annotations WG use SKOS? ivan: No. … I think we had a brief discussion, but when SKOS came around, this kind of confusion about the role of SKOS came up. benws11111: I can fall into that confusion easily. … It loses relevance as you move on to ontologies … There's value where you want a term to come from a controlled vocab but that's not what we're doing with these 2 new properties. ivan: I wonder whether, every appearance of SKOS, in the current version, is right. benws11111: Not to control hierarchy, but for a taxonomy. ivan: I hope I'm right that the use of SKOS isn't part of the model or vocab? renato: Intentionally there for a reason? ivan: Is it part of the spec or is it only in the ontology? renato: It doesn't appear in the human-readable doc ivan: I'm guessing that the use of SKOS is not part of the normative part of our Rec Track docs renato: True ivan: So if in CR, someone take the time to look at and clean up the ontology, then it can be done without breaking CR. <victor> can that be rephrased again? ivan: Whether we have the time and will is another matter. ivan: I could say that the ontology for the normative vocab, should not contain any term which is not specified by the standard. ivan: We have an ontology. That's not the Rec. … Any RDF statement in that ontology that is extra, it's an extra that no one in the WG voted on renato: we can put SKOS axioms in the ontology, but they don't really change things benws11111: we should reflect the Rec in the ontology ivan: Yes. victor: We have info in the ontology that isn't in the Rec ivan: The ontology is clearly specified... [Victor shows diagram with Venn diagram of English language Spec and OWL file] victor: I wonder whether other ontologies have been specified like this phila: Talks about DCAT. The Rec mandates the use of DC Terms in various places, the namespace file doesn't mention any term other than dcat: terms benws11111: we'll have to discuss it in ore detail when we're quorate. [Informal resolution] The ontology (namespace file) should only include terms defined in the Rec Track document ivan: We talked about the core/common vocab. … New terms may be in non-normative parts of the Rec Track doc, they can be included. But there shouldn't be terms that are not mentioned anywhere in the Rec renato: We've already removed the SKOS terms … We used to use things like skos:definition, skos:scopeNote etc. ivan: RDF has label and comment phila: I would use dcterms:description if rdfs:comment is insufficient renato: We took out all the skos:broaderTerm stuff ivan: But Michael isn't happy? renato: He wants to use SKOS for broader/narrower … We need to articulate the difference … I think we should change the name from narrowerThan to ?? phila: ?? suggests 'refines/refinementOf' benws11111: How about 'assumes' ivan: Let's wait fort Simon renato: That would help to explain why we have our own terms ivan: So we used our time wisely after all? benws11111: Not bad for an informal chat.
Received on Monday, 5 June 2017 13:29:50 UTC