[Minutes] 2016 02 16

Today's minutes are at https://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-poe-minutes and 
copied below. Thanks to Brian for scribing.

Please fill in the wiki page at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:London2017 to indicate whether 
you will be able to take part in the F2F in London in May.


   Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference

06 Feb 2017


       [2] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170206

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-poe-irc


           renato, ivan, simonstey, Serena, Brian, victor, phila,
           benws_, smyles

           michael, Caroline




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Last week's minutes
      * [6]Summary of Action Items
      * [7]Summary of Resolutions

    <renato> [8]https://www.w3.org/2017/01/30-poe-minutes.html

       [8] https://www.w3.org/2017/01/30-poe-minutes.html

Last week's minutes

    Agenda item 1: Everyone okay to approve last week's minutes?

    <victor> +1

    <Serena> +1

    The URL in the minutes is incorrect. Noted. 1 week off.

    <phila> I'll fix that error, no probs

    Minutes approved.

    <renato> [9]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/98

       [9] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/98

    Discussion on: "IsNecessaryFor" operator.

    Now referred to as an "and sequence"

    A comment was added that this and sequence primarily is
    intended for temporal expressions.

    Implementations need to be aware of this.

    Information model was tidied a bit.

    Any comments on the changes?

    Question for Simon: Are any of the issues serious holdups?

    Simon: "Apologies for handwriting. Two things need to be

    "Whenever there is a list of attributes with an inconsistency
    between the attributes listed and properties available."

    "Would assume to have target property, not asset for

    "I would like to have this addressed."

    "second issue: non-normative attributes"

    "Which stuff is normative, and which isn't?"

    Renato: "permission list of asset and party are used in the xml

    "written in the days when XML was the only representation"

    Simon: "the same style of listing attributes and relations (the
    same in RDF), ..."

    Renato: "we can look at the use of the word 'relation' here"

    Simon: "Why do I need to have asset explicitly mentioned here?"

    "How do I link to that asset explicitly?"

    Renato: "Let's say the permissioned entity has the following

    Simon: "Let's move target up from generic relation"
    ... "let's get rid of capital letter"

    "Party has a relation that points to something of type Party"

    (not sure I got that right)

    Ben: "returning to and sequence predicate, the temporal context
    is a subset of the complex constraints we want to cover"

    <renato> [10]https://w3c.github.io/poe/vocab/#term-andSequence

      [10] https://w3c.github.io/poe/vocab/#term-andSequence

    "Should we say both constraints must be met rather than the
    left constraint must be met before the right"

    Renato: "if you remove the sequence, then it is just an and

    "not qualifying then"

    Ben: "in payment, the unit qualifies the amount to be paid"
    ... "can we still express embargo without a temporal order? I
    don't know the answer."

    Renato: "embargo use case is different then 30 minutes after

    Ben: "Is it?"
    ... "if we step away from how the processor will implement it,
    we can avoid the temporal aspect. Not our concern."
    ... "How can we do unit of currency without additional

    Renato: "the unit doesn't constrain. Really just an and"
    ... "you could have a constraint amount constrained by 10 and
    another constraint currency AUD so you get 10AUD"

    <simonstey> as for time constraints, I still think we should
    just use [11]http://w3c.github.io/sdw/time/#time:TemporalEntity

      [11] http://w3c.github.io/sdw/time/#time:TemporalEntity

    Renato: "you are compensating me in both a quantity and

    Ben: "Could we change wording to remove temporal ordering?"

    Simon: "without temporal ordering, for 30 minutes after, the
    constraint is trivially fulfilled after 30 minutes"

    Renato: "we need to point to a temporal entity, not just a

    Ben: "Brian, can't you do this in SPARQL?"

    Brian: "we need to work through example. Didn't have chance
    last week"

    Ben: "What else do we want to bring up from model document?"
    ... "Can we bring draft to meeting next week?"

    Simon: "How about before meeting, so we have chance to read?"

    Ben: "let's move on to vocab expression doc"

    Renato: "outstanding issue is context"

    "We want to create a JSON-LD context for this."

    <simonstey> +q

    "need this before working draft."

    "Need to find someone who knows JSON-LD."

    Renato: "if we can get JSON-LD context done, we can vote on the

    <phila> [12]Playground

      [12] http://json-ld.org/playground/

    Phil: "there's no valid JSON-LD example in the docs."

    <renato> ODRL JSON-LD context freelancing:


    Ivan: "without a context file, the JSON-LD will not be valid"

    <renato> Make $$ fast ;-)

    Simon: "example 14 has a column missing after target"

    <renato> "action": "odrl:display"

    Simon: "why do we need namespace for odrl:display?"

    <simonstey> "action": "odrl:print"

    Ivan: "not necessary for what we would call object properties"

    Simon: "typo in example 14"

    Stewart: "discussing posting?"

    "is someone going to do the work?"

    "no one has applied"

    Renato: "Do we know a JSON-LD expert?"

    Phil: "I have just tweeted a link to the post"

    Ben: "wide review campaign"

    Renato: "we need to track who sent what to whom, responses,
    etc. Need a wiki page."

    Ben: "what was the hit rate?

    Phil: "hit rate was not high. More important for director to
    see that you tried."

    Ivan: "it is unpredictable."

    <renato> [14]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Deliverables

      [14] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Deliverables

    Renato: "we need to have enough people listed."

    Ben: "a number of W3C people said they'd follow when we were
    chartered. Let's follow up with them, if we can find the list."
    ... "how far off are we from publishable use case requirements

    Simon: "can have for next meeting."

    Ben: "would be nice if we could publish vocab, use cases and
    info model at same time."

    REnato: "def two weeks, given JSON-LD issue"

    Ben: "Ok, let's aim for two weeks."
    ... "semantics doc?"

    Renato: "let's start actively working on that in 2 weeks."

    Victor: "we plan to submit doc in next week"

    Simon, Sabrina, Victor are editors of the formal semantics doc.

    Ben: "are we all pretty happy with timing of semantics doc"
    ... "model is stabilized enough to make a first pass"

    <renato> [15]http://w3c.github.io/poe/bp/

      [15] http://w3c.github.io/poe/bp/

    <simonstey> +q

    Victor: "we can start on best practices doc"

    Ben: "I will start laying out examples for best practices."

    Renato: "James Birmingham will be another useful editor"

    "they are doing technical examples using ODRL"

    Ben: "what about paul jessup?"
    ... "moving on, other business?"

    Simon: "is the ontology a different doc than the vocabulary?
    are they both recommendations?"

    Phil: "the formal publications appear in 'tr space'. Can't
    touch. That's not the same as the namespace document, which is
    a list of terms, autogenerated. Treated differently."

    "the ns doc can be edited sensiblly"

    Phil: "how many can see the AC review?"

    <phila> [16]AC Review results (member link)

      [16] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/PandOE/results

    Ben: "running short on time. is there anything on London f2f?"

    please notify via wiki if you plan to attend. At TR London.

    <phila> [17]Please add your name/regrets here

      [17] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:London2017


      [18] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:London2017


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 6 February 2017 13:35:30 UTC