Re: Test Suite thoughts

> On 10 Apr 2017, at 14:22, Phil Archer <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> During last week's meeting, I volunteered to start collecting examples that can go into a test suite.
> Good news - the vocabulary document already includes 12 examples, each of which is available in multiple serialisations (JSON-LD, TTL, NT, HTML and XML).
> First question - can someone kindly walk me through how these are being generated? I see tools in the directory. Can I start from any serialisation?
> Presumably, given that these files all exist, the plan is to include them as external files with the vocabulary document? That can certainly be done, with content negotiation all set up.
> To show one possible method using ReSpec, I've set up an example at
> The relevant markup is:
> <pre class="example  hljs xquery" title='(<a href="examples/example1">Canonical</a>, <a href="examples/example1.xml">XML</a>, <a href="examples/example1.json">JSON-LD</a>, <a href="examples/example1.ttl">Turtle</a>, <a href="examples/example1.nt">NT</a>, <a href="examples/example1.html">HTML</a>)'>
> Turning to the Model document, it has a lot of examples - 27 in all. These have not yet been turned into discrete files AFAICT.
> Looking at Example 1, I see
> {
> "@context": {
>    "odrl": ""
>    },
>    "@type": "odrl:Set",
>    "@id": "",
>    "permission": [{
>        "target": "",
>        "action": "odrl:read"
>    }],
>    "prohibition": [{
>        "target": "",
>        "action": "odrl:reproduce"
>    }]
> }
> If I put that through a converter, I get just one triple:
> <> a odrl:Set .
> All the permissions appear to be absent. So there's an error somewhere and I fiddled around

That is because the @context part is incomplete. If you do something like:

"@context": {
   "odrl": "",
   "permission" : "odrl:permission",
   "prohibition": "odrl:prohibition"
   "@type": "odrl:Set",
   "@id": "",
   "permission": [{
       "target": "",
       "action": "odrl:read"
   "prohibition": [{
       "target": "",
       "action": "odrl:reproduce"

I believe we get what we want.

Ideally, we should use an external context document that we would refer to.


> and, well, first I need to go back to Turtle so I can see what I'm doing. I get this:
> @prefix odrl: <> .
> <>
> 	a odrl:Set ;
> 	odrl:permission [
>   a odrl:Permission;
>   odrl:target <>;
>   odrl:action odrl:read
>  ];
>  odrl:prohibition [
>    a odrl:Prohibition;
>   odrl:target <>;
>   odrl:action odrl:reproduce
>  ] .
> Which converts to JSON-LD as
> {
>  "@context": {
>    "odrl": "",
>    "rdf": "",
>    "rdfs": "",
>    "xsd": ""
>  },
>  "@graph": [
>    {
>      "@id": "",
>      "@type": "odrl:Set",
>      "odrl:permission": {
>        "@id": "_:ub6bL4C18"
>      },
>      "odrl:prohibition": {
>        "@id": "_:ub6bL9C20"
>      }
>    },
>    {
>      "@id": "_:ub6bL9C20",
>      "@type": "odrl:Prohibition",
>      "odrl:action": {
>        "@id": "odrl:reproduce"
>      },
>      "odrl:target": {
>        "@id": ""
>      }
>    },
>    {
>      "@id": "_:ub6bL4C18",
>      "@type": "odrl:Permission",
>      "odrl:action": {
>        "@id": "odrl:read"
>      },
>      "odrl:target": {
>        "@id": ""
>      }
>    }
>  ]
> }
> I'll see if I can simplify that into something more readable but the my basic question is do the 27 examples in the model document and the 12 in the vocab document give a good spread and therefore can provide the basis of a test suite?
> This also addresses my action-43 which is about invalid JSON-LD examples.
> Phil
> --
> Phil Archer
> Data Strategist, W3C
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Ivan Herman, W3C
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 12:49:33 UTC