ODRL policy semantics test

Hi all, I wanted to do a test on an ODRL Policy to see if it can be reverse-engineered back into its narrative policy.

Please have a look at the below (please ignore any syntax errors!) and see what you think this Policy is offering?

Note: i added odrl:subject to the constraint to indicate *what* is being constrained (just as a test for now).

Look forward to your responses ;-)


  a odrl:Offer ;
  odrl:permission [
    a odrl:Permission ;
    odrl:target <http://pro.com/catalogue> ;
    odrl:assigner <http://pro.com/> ;
    odrl:action odrl:play ;
    odrl:constraint :c1 ; 
    odrl:constraint :c2 ;
    odrl:constraint :c3 ; 
    odrl:duty :d1
] .

:c1  a odrl:Constraint ;
      odrl:*subject* odrl:action ;
      odrl:deliveryChannel <https://iata.org/aircraft> ;
      odrl:operator odrl:eq
    ] .

:c2: a odrl:Constraint ;
      odrl:*subject* odrl:deliverChannel ;
      iata:seats 100 ;
      odrl:operator odrl:lteq
    ] .

:c3 a odrl:Constraint ;
      odrl:*subject* odrl:deliverChannel ;
      gml:elevation 10.0 ;
      odrl:unit <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.6/metre> ;
      odrl:operator odrl:lt
    ] .

:c4 a odrl:Constraint ;
        odrl:*subject* odrl:action ;
        odrl:payAmount 50.00 ;
        odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
        odrl:unit <http://currency-iso.org/AUD>;
        odrl:*unit-of-count* <https://iata.org/aircraft>
    ] .
:c5 a odrl:Constraint ;
        odrl:action odrl:compensate ;
        odrl:timeInterval P3M ;
        odrl:operator odrl:eq 
    ] .
:d1  a odrl:Duty ;
      odrl:action odrl:compensate ;
      odrl:constraint :c4 ;
      odrl:constraint :c5
     ] .

Received on Friday, 18 November 2016 06:30:10 UTC