poe-ISSUE-11 (parties of perm/proh): Does every permission/prohibition need to have both an assignee & assigner? [POE - Information Model]

poe-ISSUE-11 (parties of perm/proh): Does every permission/prohibition need to have both an assignee & assigner? [POE - Information Model]


Raised by: Simon Steyskal
On product: POE - Information Model

The current spec states (comments inline; similar for prohibition):

> 3.4 Permission
> The Permission entity indicates the Actions that the assignee is permitted to perform on the associated Asset. 

It is not required for perm/proh to have any party assigned.

> In other words, what the assigner (supplier) has granted to the assignee (consumer).

I would argue that not every assigner/assignee has the role of a supplier/consumer.
> [...]
>     Party: the Permission MUST refer to one or more Party entities linked via the Role entity (see Section 2.3.1) (OPTIONAL)

Is it possible to combine MUST and OPTIONAL?

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2016 11:07:00 UTC