[Minutes] 2016-03-24

The minutes of today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/03/24-poe-minutes with a text summary below.

Thank you Jo for scribing.

                               P&OE Weekly

24 Mar 2016


       [2] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160324

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/24-poe-irc


           benws, phila, msteidl, james, jo, caroline, renato,
           serena_villata, magyarblip, simonstey, paulj, carolineb,
           sabrina, kirrane, smyles, Ivan




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]AOB
          2. [6]Regular Meeting time
      * [7]Summary of Action Items
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions

    <simonstey> what's our webex meeting id?

    <simonstey> m383ae385ad7b77d69e2820e1cf does not work ;)

    <phila> URL for WebEx is


    <phila> See topic line for password

    <simonstey> for me it says Enter the meeting number to join.
    NEW! Invited to a Personal Room? Enter the host's room ID.

    <simonstey> it worked last week though

    <phila> 640 402 848 simonstey

    <phila> PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2016/03/17-poe-minutes

    <scribe> scribe: jo

    phila: scribing is important as it is the record of our
    meeting, if you want to say something that is not for the the
    minutes then

    <phila> Write /me to write a line not in minutes

    phila: /me does not appear in the minutes (whereas if you do
    not what you type does appear in the minutes)
    ... please type present+ with your name to indicate your

    <phila> PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes

      [11] https://www.w3.org/2016/03/17-poe-minutes

    <phila> +1

    <james> +1

    phila: indicate your support for a proposal by adding +1 in IRC

    <msteidl> +1

    <serena_villata> +1

    <paulj> +1

    <carolineb> +1

    <sabrina> +1

    <magyarblip> +1

    <benws> +1

    <simonstey> +1

    <renato> +1

    phila: demonstrate regenerating the minutes
    ... and you will see that the resultion has been taken

    RESOLUTION: Accept last week's minutes

      [12] https://www.w3.org/2016/03/17-poe-minutes

    phila: obviously that was not a very important resolution, it
    becomes more important that we have an audit trail of what the
    group has decided

    benws: main purpose of the meeting is to make a call for use
    ... we are looking to automate rights management, the more use
    cases the better the standard
    ... three reasons for use cases
    ... 1. to test ODRL (gap analysis)
    ... 2. for exemplification in the standard
    ... 3. worked examples of more business realistic use cases
    ... how does the stanrds fit with my business problem
    ... so how can we manage the use cases
    ... 1. maintain on wiki
    ... 2. we need to publish a note on those use cases
    ... 3. we can put them in the requirements
    ... . 4. possibly put them in a primer so people can
    understand, not within charter but worth discussing
    ... so, how do we want to do this?

    phila: want to ask … there is a set of use cases for ODRL,
    where are they?

    <msteidl> [13]https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/xml/2.1/

      [13] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/xml/2.1/

    <msteidl> [14]https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/json/2.1/

      [14] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/json/2.1/

    msteidl: in the encoding sections

    DFa/UseCase/index.html don't know how up to date those are


    <phila> [16]DWBP UCR

      [16] https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp-ucr/

    phila: here are a couple of examples
    ... want to talk process

    <phila> [17]CSV on the web UCR

      [17] https://www.w3.org/TR/csvw-ucr/

    phila: the usual way this is done is for people to write use
    cases on the wiki then a copuple of
    ... people offer to write a document, that is the usual way
    ... however …
    ... because of the implrementation experience, we don’t
    necessarily have to do that
    ... it doesn’t say that we will write a primeer
    ... if you choose, we don’t want to write a use case document,
    we want to write a primer with use cases in it
    ... you can choose to do that

    <renato> [18]https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/model/2.1/

      [18] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/model/2.1/

    renato: 11 original use cases are in ???
    ... they are in the encoding spec, the normative use cases in
    the model spec in UML

    benws: though they are useful for explaining how the standard
    can be applied they don’t match any of the business use cases

    renato: yes they illustrate scenarios, how encodings can be
    ... we didn’t have any business feeding use cases at the time

    benws: so we want busienss driven use caes
    ... people to contribute, then we can do the gap analysis
    ... and decide whether we want to publish a note
    ... if there are signficant requirements, otherwsie maybe a

    james: I’d like to see both business and technical use cases
    fleshed out

    <phila> [19]An example of UCs collected in a wiki

      [19] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Use_Cases

    benws: shall we do this in the wiki

    phila: example from another group, useful to have a template,
    we will need a different template
    ... narrative, statement problems, things to address … for
    ... need someone to drive it
    ... an owner
    ... for clarification etc.
    ... usually the editor, or two editors
    ... that is a long way of asking for volunteers

    benws: james would you like to offer a template for your use
    ... then we can ask for editors

    james: yes, from a technical side

    msteidl: I can help too

    benws: michael can you be use case editor?

    msteidl: “I do”

    benws: james please can you contribute templates by next
    ... more volunteers pls?

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: MSteidl to take on initial editorship of
    use cases

    <phila> +1

    <carolineb> +1

    <serena_villata> +1

    <magyarblip> +1

    <james> +1

    <benws> +1

    <simonstey> +1

    <paulj> +1

    <sabrina> +1

    RESOLUTION: MSteidl to take on initial editorship of use cases

    <renato> Social Web WG template

    <renato> [20]https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/Use_Case_TF

      [20] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/Use_Case_TF

    phila: to clarify, Michael you are going to create the page on

    <msteidl> yes, I will create a Use Case landing page

    <phila> The wiki is the WG home -
    [21]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe, magyarblip

      [21] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe,

    <benws> +q

    <magyarblip> duh, sorry was looking on the wiki for the wiki
    (too early)

    benws: any further questions around use cases?

    phila: I am intrigued (and interested) the original use cases
    are not yours, Ben, plus renato says they are not business use
    ... what did you have in mind

    benws: we have quite complicated needs, e.g. time restrictions
    ... plus a big use use case is comparing supplier policies
    against product policies
    ... that kind of automation we are looking for

    renato: a bit of history
    ... when we were developing oRDL, there were a lot a use cases
    that are not documented in specs
    ... eg. proposal to MPEG21 involved use cases for them
    ... so lots of use cases but not all of them documented in the
    ... another question, we can use the ODRL community gp to ask
    for use cases
    ... asuuming that CG does not have write access to wiki
    ... so they would need to email them to someone

    benws: they could write to an equivalent use case page there

    <phila> [22]The ODRL CG wiki

      [22] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/wiki/Main_Page

    reanto: keep them in one spot? have a template that wortks we
    can solicit submissions



    <scribe> ACTION: Renato to ask the community group to
    contribute use cases [recorded in

      [24] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/24-poe-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this

    (discussion about use of Github vs Tracker)

    <magyarblip> +1 github

    +1 tracker

    <simonstey> +1 tracker

    <carolineb> +1 github

    <benws> +1 github

    phila: (we will know which way we are going “shortly”)

    <serena_villata> +1 tracker

    (more discussion about githib vs tracker)

    renato: posted a URL up above of a use case that the CG was
    working on
    ... narrative about requirement and how it could be supported
    ... plus gaps highlighted
    ... need to highlight where gaps could be in current IDRL

    magyarblip: ref business use cases, my issues are not about
    ODRL the language, but I
    ... would like to see that the use cases consider not just in
    an access control system, but how they move around and how they
    ... connect up, resources and agents rather than policy. I will
    try to express this as part of my use cases. Can share what I
    ... written in WIley in th past, they will guide.

    benws: yes, please share
    ... and put on wiki for now


      [25] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/wiki/ODRL_Linked_Data_Profile

    simonstey: do we care about distinguishing user stories
    “lightweight” version of use case
    ... e.g. linked data profile for ODRL, and hence user stories
    around that
    ... so my question is do we care about stories or do we want to
    go directly to use cases

    benws: what we really want is use cases, but perhaps at the
    early stage user stories will help us map the territory

    james: going back to github, we are open sourcing apis with
    ODRL underneath, and our stuff will be on github
    ... but we would like to refer back to ODRL, so we could link
    back on GitHub
    ... would be useful to have in GitHub space

    <phila> [26]The WG's Github Repo

      [26] https://github.com/w3c/poe

    benws: agree ref developers but also githib is scary to
    business ppl

    <carolineb> jo: too early to take a view re use cases user
    stories need to collect material

    <carolineb> jop: Up to Michael and editor can then take a view

    msteidl: agree collect first then we can select

    <msteidl> Use Case page created at
    [27]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Use_Cases - in fact empty
    at the moment, more will follow

      [27] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Use_Cases

    msteidl: there we have use case page!


    benws: how do we stop this!

    phila: er, there are some technicalities
    ... which either I or Ivan will usually do

    <renato> +1 tracker

    phila: noting that we are evenly split on Gitbub vs Tracker
    ... tracker has several advantages which include integration
    with IRC

    <renato> ODRL CG uses Tracker

    <renato> [28]https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/track/

      [28] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/track/

    phila: . I just one one only

    benws: can we fix now?

    phila: let’s try to fix it now

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The group will us tracker for actions

    ivan: eventually we will us github anyway
    ... using github issues therefore becomes mroe natural
    ... and all links with pull requests and so on (yada yada)
    ... my fear is that we will have to use github in any case
    ... we could use trackbot for actions
    ... you can’t use github for that
    ... CSVW WG we had duplcites and it was confusing
    ... so we should use one

    benws: can the distinction be made between issues and actions

    ivan: yes, we can use trackbot for actions
    ... very often threads end up being assigned to someone
    ... so eventually the boundaries become blurred

    renato: CG has used trackbot
    ... perhaps we can start using trackbot

    simonstey: two aspects: genenral (no specufic location in doc)
    and specific relating to a place in the doc
    ... can we split between those

    ivan: don’t think this distinction is strong enough

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The group will use tracker for actions

    <magyarblip> fwiw i don't yet understand the ramifications

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The group will use Tracker for Issues and
    Actions pending substantive documents on Github, when it will
    revisit the question


    <ivan> 0

    <renato> +1

    <paulj> +1

    <smyles> 0

    <msteidl> +1

    <simonstey> +1

    <magyarblip> 0

    <sabrina> 0

    <serena_villata> 0

    <james> 0

    <carolineb> 0

    <phila> phila: Our definition of consensus: General agreement
    with no strong objections

    RESOLUTION: The group will use Tracker for Issues and Actions
    pending substantive documents on Github, when it will revisit
    the question

    (phila talks about “the nature of consensus”)

    <scribe> ACTION: phila to set up trackbot [recorded in

      [29] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/24-poe-minutes.html#action02]

    <trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this

    benws: meeting closed

Regular Meeting time

    phila: next meeting at the new regular time (mea culpa re this
    being a nuisance)



    phila: monday 4th April noon gmt

    benws: adjourned

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: phila to set up trackbot [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Renato to ask the community group to contribute
    use cases [recorded in

      [31] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/24-poe-minutes.html#action02
      [32] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/24-poe-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [33]Accept last week's minutes
     2. [34]MSteidl to take on initial editorship of use cases
     3. [35]The group will use Tracker for Issues and Actions
        pending substantive documents on Github, when it will
        revisit the question

    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2016 13:09:25 UTC