[poe] Europeana/DPLA use case

riannella has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe:

== Europeana/DPLA use case ==

2. Europeana/DPLA use case (https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-poe-ucr-20170223/#POE.UC.27)

First, thanks for including us, it is really good to have connections between our initiatives. And we'll try to remain compatible with POE specifications. Especially in our modeling work (http://rightsstatements.org/files/170106requirements_for_the_technical_infrastructure_for_standardized_international_rights_statements_v1.2.pdf, p17) we have tried to reuse odrl:inheritFrom.

Our first comment here is about representation issues for our case. In the material we had written on the the ODRL community Wiki
we had proposed to represent our right statement the following way:

  <http://rightsstatements.org/rs/ic-edu> a dcterms:RightsStatement , odrl:Policy ;
    skos:prefLabel "In Copyright - Educational Use Only"@en ;
    odrl:permission [
               odrl:action odrl:use ;
               odrl:constraint [
                     odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
                     odrl:purpose <http://rightsstatements.org/purpose/education> # This would be preferably from an existing namespace, not ours.
        ] .

Note especially the use of odrl:purpose as a property, following the spec in the previous ODRL ontology: https://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/ODRL21#term-purpose
But this has now changed, it seems, with odrl:purpose being an instance, and the whole stuff about constraint operands being quite different (http://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#constraint)
As I understand the new POE vocabulary the example should now be

  <http://rightstatements.org/rs/ic-edu> a dcterms:RightsStatement , odrl:Policy ;
    skos:prefLabel "In Copyright - Educational Use Only"@en ;
    odrl:permission [
       odrl:action odrl:use ;
       odrl:constraint [
             odrl:leftOperand odrl:purpose ;
             odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
             odrl:purpose <http://rightstatements.org/purpose/education>

Can you confirm this? And would you accept new/revised use cases?

Note that this is not implemented on our side yet. The current representations of statements (https://github.com/rightsstatements/data-model/blob/master/rights-statements.ttl) are simpler. But it will become important in the future.

Also, I guess in the requirements related to our case, a ‘vocabulary of purpose’ could have been noted (like the ‘education’ one used above). Or at least a mechanism to extend existing purposes/actions (there is a comment on the other feedback mail sent at the same time as this one). We've not created the purpose http://rightstatements.org/purpose/education that is used in the example, yet. And we would prefer not to have to maintain such general concepts ourselves...

Finally, a couple of editorial comments: it would be better to name is a RightsStatements.org use case; mentioning Europeana and DPLA in the body is fine :-) Also you should remove Riccardo Albertoni - Riccardo worked with me only on data quality - and add Mark Matienzo instead.

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/157 using your GitHub account

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 03:00:42 UTC