Re: [poe] Add sameAs/subClassOf

I have just implemented the most conservative approach. 

- Action as a subclass of Action: "An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.". I am not in favour of linking to the chaotic dpbedia ontology (evern worse to the pages, which are not classes), so for the moment no dbpedia at all.

- A Party is either a person (A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).), a organization (An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.) or a foaf:Agent.
I dared to replace your proposal of foaf:Person+foaf:Organization by foaf:Agent. But please not that there is an important difference: foaf:Agent includes inanimated beings like algorithms (foaf:Agent is defined as "person, group, software or physical artifact"). This decision enables algorithms to use ODRL.
The same applies to vcard.

- Permission cannot be matched to cc:Permission (defined in CC as "an action that may or may not be allowed or desired" because it is the class of some actions). The same applies to Prohibition and Duty. 
And we cannot use CreativeCommons properties (like "requires") because then we would inherit commitments we don't want to (domain and range exclusively CreativeCommons classes).

We have sticked then to and do W3C vocabs (foaf it is not, but the W3C Organization ontology also makes their Organization class to depend on foaf:Agent)

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Received on Friday, 21 April 2017 08:03:55 UTC