[poe] Issue: Synchronize (addition to vocab) marked as Wide Review

riannella has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "Wide Review":

== Synchronize (addition to vocab) ==
Original Feedback: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poe-comments/2017Apr/0000.html

FROM: Luca Andrea Ludovico <ludovico@di.unimi.it>, Paolo Perlasca <perlasca@di.unimi.it>, Adriano Baratè <barate@di.unimi.it>, "Prof. Goffredo Haus" <haus@di.unimi.it> 

in response to your request for comments, I am forwarding to you some proposals of ODRL definitions coming from the IEEE 1599 staff, together with some remarks.
We hope that this can improve the documentation produced by the POE working group.
Greeting from Milan.
Definition: The assigner Permits/Prohibits the Assignees to perform a synchronized experience using the asset (as a part of the experience) to an audience.
Label: Synchronize
Identifier: http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/synchronize
Class: Action
The assigner Permits/Prohibits the Assignees to perform a synchronized experience using the asset (as a part of the experience) to an audience.
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/synchronize
Label: Synchronize
Status: ?stable?
Broader terms: use
Class: Action
Concept scheme: actions
POE Use Cases and Requirements
2.24 POE.UC.24: Synchronization in a multilayer music description environment
Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale (LIM), Department of Computer Science, Universitá degli Studi di Milano
IEEE 1599 is an international XML-based standard that aims to comprehensively describe music content by supporting the representation of heterogeneous music aspects within a single XML document.
Moreover, IEEE 1599 lets spatio-temporal relationships emerge among such materials, thanks to the identification of music events inside a common data structure known as the spine: in this way, events can be described in different layers (e.g., a chord's graphical
aspect and its audio performance), as well as multiple times within a single layer (e.g., different music performances of the same events).
Consequently, the IEEE 1599 multilayer environment presents two complementary synchronization modes: inter-layer and intra-layer synchronization. Coupling these two categories of synchronization makes it possible to design and implement frameworks
that allow new kinds of interaction with media contents and novel music-experience models, as shown in the Music Box area of the EMIPIU web framework (see the URL above). Recognizing music events and their synchronization can be seen as an
additional intellectual achievement that on one side does not affect the already existing IP rights on media contents, but on the other side requires adequate protection. Consequently, it is desirable to consider a new permission which allows the producer to synchronize different media contents with respect to the other possibly existing permissions, restrictions and duties associated with media contents.
Related Requirements: POE.R.DM.08, POE.R.DM.12, POE.R.V.12
3.1.8 POE.R.DM.08: Add a category property to Asset
A new property of the class Asset should define the category of the Asset.
3.1.12 POE.R.DM.12: Grouping party entities
Being able to assign multiple individuals of type Party to a Group for which permissions/prohibitions/duties can be specified.
3.2.8 POE.R.V.12: New Asset Category Vocabulary
Create a new vocabulary with a basic set of terms for the requested new category property of the Asset class.

See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/123

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2017 01:14:07 UTC