Re: [poe] Review definition of Constraint by ODRL ontology

## Current status of the definitions of Constraint

... with a focus on left operand, right operand and operator

### By the Information Model


- Constraints express mathematical terms with two operands and one 
operator. (Note: this definition leaves open what is expressed by 
these terms)
- name: a name that identifies the left operand of the operation 
- operator: an operator function (REQUIRED)
- rightOperand: the right operand of the operation (REQUIRED if no 
- rightOperandReference: the right operand of the operation (REQUIRED 
if no rightOperand)

### By the ODRL Ontology

See its Turle serialization:

The Constraint Class
        a rdfs:Class, owl:Class ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy odrl: ;
        rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
        rdfs:label "Constraint"@en ;
        skos:definition "The Constraint entity indicates limits and 
restrictions to the Permission, the Prohibition and the Duty 
entity"@en ;
        skos:note "Parent class of all Constraints."@en .

The definition of this class does not include properties. Therefore 
properties with the rdfs:domain :Constraint were filtered:

        a rdf:Property ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy odrl: ;
        rdfs:domain :Constraint ;
        rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
        rdfs:label "Unit"@en ;
        skos:definition "The unit of measurement used for the 
constraint value."@en .

        a rdf:Property ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy odrl: ;
        rdfs:domain :Constraint ;
        rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
        rdfs:label "Datatype"@en ;
        skos:definition "The datatype used for the constraint 
value."@en ;
    skos:note "In RDF encodings, use of the rdf:datatype MAY be used".

        a rdf:Property , owl:ObjectProperty ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy odrl: ;
        rdfs:label "Has Operator"@en ;
        skos:definition "The Boolean operator applied to a constraint 
and its operand."@en ;
        rdfs:domain :Constraint ;
        rdfs:range :Operator .

        a rdf:Property ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy odrl: ;
        rdfs:label "Right Operand"@en ;
        skos:definition "The operand applied to an instance of a 
constraint."@en ;
        skos:note "Do not use the right-operand property directly 
within a Constraint. Instead, a Constraint instance must contain 
exactly one triple which makes use of one of the sub-properties of 
right-operand."@en ;
        rdfs:domain :Constraint .

        a rdf:Property ;
        rdfs:isDefinedBy odrl: ;
        rdfs:label "Status"@en ;
        skos:definition "The current value of the constraint."@en ;
        skos:note "The range of the status property is identical to 
that of the operand property selected used in the constraint."@en ;
        rdfs:domain :Constraint ;
    skos:scopeNote "Non-Normative"@en .


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Received on Friday, 16 December 2016 10:43:59 UTC