Re: [poe] 3.7 Action

@riannella I'm not a deep RDF expert like @iherman but an RDF user 
with a focus on metadata of media assets. So let me modify my 
statement: a thisConstraint-leftOperand-rightOperand triple does not 
assert what it should by expressing a class definition by RDF.

The RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax - - defines:  "Asserting an RDF 
triple says that some relationship, indicated by the predicate, holds 
between the resources denoted by the subject and object." And about a 
class in an ontology context it is usually said that it defines a set 
of commonon characteristics of objects of this class. That results in 
such assertions: an instance of a class is the subject of the RDF 
triple, a "common characteristic" - called property - is the predicate
 and the value of the characteristic is the object.

And Dublin Core defines the DC Term license this way (shortened):
    a rdf:Property ;
<> ;
"2004-06-14"^^<> ;
    rdfs:comment "A legal document giving official permission to do 
something with the resource."@en.

Let's have a look at the RDF triple
thisConstraint odrl:count "1"
This triple consists in fact of: the subject <thisConstraint> is ok, 
but the predicate is the object of a triple with odrl:leftOperand as 
predicate and the object is the object of a triple with 
odrl:rightOperand as predicate. The style "express the objects of two 
defined properties of a class as predicate and object of a (special) 
triple" does not follow this express a class by RDF (triples) design.

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Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 09:04:06 UTC