Re: [poe] Clarify inheritance and over-riden entities

## Definition
> The default value of the `inherit` attribute is true

there is no `inherit` attribute -> `inheritAllowed`?

> Only if the `inheritAllowed` attribute has the value true MAY the 
following be used: 

where can they MAY be used? in the parent policy? in one/some/all 
child policies of the parent policy?

>  inheritFrom: the identifier from which this Policy inherits from 
it’s parent Policy (OPTIONAL)

what? _the identifier from which this Policy inherits_ == parent 
policies identifier? 
it's -> its

>  inheritRelation: the identifier for the relationship type of this 
inheritance structure (OPTIONAL)
For example, an Assigner and Assignee may have a historical 
arrangement related to the specific use of content they make available
 to each other. The business model  (identified with a URI) is used in
 the inheritRelation attribute in their subsequent ODRL policies they 
exchange. **This will require the ODRL policy to be interpreted with 
the additional information identified by the URI**. For example, 
**this may include additional permission actions or constraints** 
(etc) that is documented in their business model arrangement.

so `inheritRelation` is basically a workaround to allow some sort of 
multi-inheritance? why isn't that _additional information_ part of the
 parent policy in the first place? 

> The Child Policy MUST override the Parent Policy. i.e.: If the same 
Action appears in the Parent, ...

the parent and ...?

> ... then it is replaced by the Child version, ...

the action is replaced by the child's version of the action? 
so `odrl:read` becomes `odrl:read`?

> ... otherwise the Parent Actions are added to the Child’s Actions.

?? where exactly are they added to? adding `odrl:read` to `odrl:play` 
        a odrl:Action;
        odrl:action odrl:read .

**Imo, it's about aligning the rules defined in the parent policy and 
its respective child policies.**

> Moreover, due to the inheritance relation, the child Policy inherits
 from the parent that the Party can 
also reproduce

why is that? 

### Minor Remarks
old | new
------------ | -------------
`"inheritallowed"` | ` "inheritAllowed" `
`"inheritFrom": ""` | ` "inheritFrom": 
"" `
`"inheritfrom": ""` | ` "inheritFrom": 
"" `

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Received on Thursday, 1 December 2016 07:22:34 UTC