[PNG] Meeting topics - Nov 13th, 2023

Hello everyone,

Our next meeting is this coming Monday at 11am Eastern.


   - We're going to try a new Zoom link. I'll include both the new link and
   the old link in the calendar. If the new link doesn't work, try the old
   - How could/should we add additional color models?
      - PNG currently has a list of color models. If we want to add more
      color models, we could add to this list. That was the
      intended by the list. It is also what we do with cICP.
      - But adding to the list would break existing codecs. The key
      difference between this list and cICP here is without understanding an
      update to the CICP list (or even the cICP chunk itself), a decoder can
      still show an approximate representation. But a new item in the
color model
      list does not have an equivalent approximation.
      - We could have a new chunk signal the new color model. And there can
      be a fall-back approximate representation provided by the original list.
      This is effectively what happens now for normal maps, half-floats, etc.
   - Marketing subgroup
      - Stephanie is spearheading PNG Third Edition marketing. We're
      thinking of creating a subgroup to discuss how we plan to spread
the word.
      Everyone in the main WG is welcome to join this subgroup. The
intention of
      a subgroup is to not spam the main group.

Did I miss anything? Are there any other topics you all would like to

See you Monday!

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2023 18:37:41 UTC