[PNG] Cancelling May 15th, 2023 meeting?

Hello everyone,

My internet suddenly dropped out yesterday and has been pretty unstable
ever since. I'm not confident that I'll be able to host Monday's meeting.

I'm happy for someone else to host if they want. But we also might not have
much to talk about which couldn't be an email.

   - Do we know of any standard which carries average luminance
   information? (This is different from MaxFALL.) This is needed for SMPTE ST
   2094-10. We could perhaps add it to the cLLi chunk. But then that chunk no
   longer resembles the standard it was based on. Plus, the content authoring
   app could know that the content isn't in a color space where average
   luminance is a normal tool for tone mapping (and thus SMPTE ST 2094-10
   doesn't apply).
   - Anne suggested we use official wording for implementation defined
   <https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#implementation-defined> when it comes to
   either historic implementation divergence which we now corrected onto one
   path, or things we do not want to define. I think this is a good idea.
   - No one has mentioned yet if they feel the PNG WG should make an
   official presence at TPAC 2023. (We can still go if we want.) Unless there
   is a push for it, I'll respond to W3C soon letting them know we do not
   intend to go as a group.

Let me know your thoughts on these topics and if you want to keep Monday's

- Chris

Received on Friday, 12 May 2023 22:36:37 UTC