- From: Seeger, Chris (NBCUniversal) <Chris.Seeger@nbcuni.com>
- Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 18:36:31 +0000
- To: "Chris Blume (ProgramMax)" <programmax@gmail.com>, "public-png@w3.org" <public-png@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BL0PR14MB37956CA8541186619B5D3CA1E6999@BL0PR14MB3795.namprd14.prod.outlook.com>
HI All, I will be @ NAB and not able to attend on Monday. Best, Chris From: Chris Blume (ProgramMax) <programmax@gmail.com> Date: Friday, April 14, 2023 at 1:26 PM To: public-png@w3.org <public-png@w3.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [PNG] Cancel April 17th meeting? Hello everyone, I typically prefer to not cancel two meetings in a row. (I don't want to invite the interpretation that no progress is being made.) However, I also don't want to waste all of your time. I don't think we have any topics worth discussing. Feel free to suggest some if you would like to meet. Since my last email: * Several new members from Apple joined! * When we do meet next, I'll be eager to hear their introductions. * The descriptions of types of PNG has been updated (to help with the definitions) * And a handful of cleanups / corrections landed Our current goals are: * Finish all issues marked blocking-3rd-edition-cr<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/w3c/PNG-spec/issues?q=is*3Aissue*is*3Aopen*label*3Ablocking-3rd-edition-cr__;JSslKyU!!PIZeeW5wscynRQ!uRGgqLcMRg-7H1Qbq5KglfyWKKGmve9wIZRIE1C-PsHxg65nMhXl_Jeb2o2uOIYoV-Hb_g-9Y5aNW0Yyz_6P$> * Add as much WPT coverage<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/wpt.fyi/results/png?label=master&label=experimental&aligned&q=png__;!!PIZeeW5wscynRQ!uRGgqLcMRg-7H1Qbq5KglfyWKKGmve9wIZRIE1C-PsHxg65nMhXl_Jeb2o2uOIYoV-Hb_g-9Y5aNWzs9Ifw7$> as we can for the 3rd Edition changes, and * Collect implementation stories from people adopting the 3rd Edition changes Have a good one!
Received on Friday, 14 April 2023 18:37:24 UTC