Meeting minutes - Feb 21st, 2022

Attached is a PDF of the meeting minutes from Feb 21st, 2022.

Attendance was low. This could be because 1.) It is a holiday in the US,
and 2.) I sent the discussion topics late. I'm not worried about #1 but for
#2, I'll try to send topics earlier.

Executive summary:

   - Our group prefers not to meet in person right now for TPAC 2022
      - A hybrid approach might be difficult. It wouldn't be surprising if
      a discussion is happening in-person without careful regard to
mic / camera
      placement. This would then leave remote participants at a disadvantage.
   - The tRNS chunk ambiguity might not require action. In both the
   unused-bits case and the out-of-bounds palette index case, we don't know of
   any real world images that people have run into. Rather, they seem to be
   crafted images to demonstrate the ambiguity.
      - While it might be nice for a spec to minimize ambiguity, there is a
      cost to forcing implementations to change. And since we don't foresee a
      benefit, the best action is to perhaps add a note that the
ambiguity exists
      and there are conflicting implementations. But a valid image will not hit
      the ambiguity.

The next meeting will be Mar 7th, 2022 from 11am-noon Eastern US time.

A future email will list topics for that meeting.

Received on Monday, 21 February 2022 16:40:59 UTC