Meeting minutes - Apr 4th, 2022

Attached is a PDF of the meeting minutes from Apr 4th, 2022.

Executive summary:

   - We had a lot of discussion about needing two chunks (iCCP and iCCN) in
   the ColorWeb-CG. We should default to the requirements set by those
   discussions. If someone wants to do differently, they should spend a lot of
   time investigating those past discussions looking for potential/existing
   - Referencing unversioned spec is fine (and even common) so long as that
   spec maintains backward compatibility. We need to confirm ICC profiles are
   backward compatible if we wish to reuse the iCCP chunk for newer versions
   of the ICC profile spec. Additionally, a PNG viewer that does not
   understand a newer ICC profile could simply treat the chunk itself as not
   understood. This gives the PNG spec a fallback.

The next meeting will be Apr 18th, 2022 from 11am-noon Eastern US time.

A future email will list topics for that meeting.

Received on Monday, 4 April 2022 15:52:02 UTC