Re: Proposed - Publish Fixed Layout Accessibility as a Draft WG Note

Thank you for Wendy and all.
Sorry for my slow reply .

Junichi Yoshii

2024年5月7日(火) 23:34 Reid, Wendy <>:

> Hi all,
> As mentioned in our last meeting, the FXL Accessibility Task Force has
> completed its first draft of the EPUB Fixed Layout Accessibility document..
> We received some feedback and have addressed it. The latest version can be
> read here:
> To make it official, can I ask you all to reply by *May 14* with your
> vote on the following:
> PROPOSED: Publish EPUB Fixed Layout Accessibility as a draft working group
> note, with the short name “epub-fxl-a11y”.
> Please reply with +1, 0, or -1.
> Thank you,
> Wendy

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 07:37:16 UTC