Re: Chairing Announcement + A Request

Dear Dave,
thank you very much for all your efforts over these years in working to improve EPUB specifications. I hope that, even though you will no longer be directly involved as co-chair, we will have opportunities to meet.

“Proposed: PMWG will use the echidna publishing system for all documents whenever it is appropriate per the W3C Process.”

Da: Avneesh Singh <>
Data: venerdì 6 ottobre 2023, 09:32
A: "" <>
Oggetto: RE: Chairing Announcement + A Request
Rinviato da: <>
Data rinvio: venerdì 6 ottobre 2023, 09:31

"Dave Cramer has decided to step down as one of the co-chairs of this working group due to work obligations."

Thanks Dave for all of your efforts for moving EPUB 3 forward, In spite of s many responsibilities you have in your day job.

“Proposed: PMWG will use the echidna publishing system for all documents whenever it is appropriate per the W3C Process.”

With regards
From: Reid, Wendy <>
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 8:47 PM
Subject: Chairing Announcement + A Request

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

I wanted to share this news first before it went out to the W3C mailing lists. Dave Cramer has decided to step down as one of the co-chairs of this working group due to work obligations. Shinya, Tzviya, and myself will be staying on as your co-chairs.

Dave has been essential to the success of EPUB over the years, and it must be said that without him, we wouldn’t be where we are today. He was integral to publishing EPUB 3.2 and leading the group that brought EPUB to W3C, the EPUB CG. He then kindly joined us to publish EPUB 3.3, and we could not have done it without him. Please join me in thanking him for his service to us over the years as both Editor and Chair.

Just as a reminder, we have cancelled tomorrow’s meeting as we’re still working on getting more information on topics like Webtoons for discussion.

Lastly, one small operational request. We need a formal resolution on the books for publishing with Echidna. We use this system to make publishing the documents automatically much easier, so please reply to this email with a +1, 0, or -1 for this proposal:

Proposed: PMWG will use the echidna publishing system for all documents whenever it is appropriate per the W3C Process.


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Received on Friday, 6 October 2023 19:37:25 UTC