Next PLING Teleconference and Invited Talk: Pete Bramall (EnCoRe director)- On the collaborative EnCoRe Project: Ensuring Consent and Revocation


The next PLING Teleconference is July, 13th:

Exciting news.  This time we have an Invited Talk.

Pete Bramhall (Senior Project Manager at HP Labs and EnCoRe Director) will present: "On the UK Collaborative EnCoRe Project: Ensuring Consent and Revocation"

                          EnCoRe - Ensuring Consent and Revocation -  is a research project, being undertaken by
                          UK industry and academia, to give individuals more control over their personal information.

                          This Invited Talk provides an overview of the project, its goals and requirements and its current achievements
                          in the space of privacy management, policies and privacy-aware access control

                          Additional information:

I encourage the PLING audience to attend and interact with Pete in a Q&A session after the presentation.

Best regards,

P.S.: Here are some articles related to a recent press and media event about the EnCoRe project:


        Marco Casassa Mont
Senior Researcher
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

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Received on Sunday, 4 July 2010 10:22:30 UTC