- From: Jaime Delgado <jaime.delgado@ac.upc.edu>
- Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 18:37:24 +0100
- To: public-pling@w3.org
CALL for PAPERS Workshop on Interoperable Social Multimedia Applications (WISMA 2010) 11th International Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community http://dmag.ac.upc.edu/conferences/wisma2010/ Submission due: 28th February 2010 - Workshop dates: 19th-20th May 2010 Workshop venue: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain) In the Web 2.0, a growing amount of multimedia content is being shared on Social Networks. Due to the dynamic and ubiquitous nature of this content (and associated descriptors), new interesting challenges for indexing, access, and search and retrieval have arisen. In addition, there is a growing concern on privacy protection, as a lot of personal data is being exchanged. Teenagers (and even younger kids), for example, require special protection applications; while adults are willing to have a higher control over the access to content. Furthermore, the integration of mobile technologies with the Web 2.0 applications is also an interesting area of research that needs to be addressed; not only in terms of content protection, but also considering the implementation of new and enriched context-aware applications. Finally, social multimedia is also expected to improve the performance of traditional multimedia information search and retrieval approaches by contributing to bridge the semantic gap. The integration of these aspects, however, is not trivial and has created a new interdisciplinary area of research. In any case, there is a common issue that needs to be addressed in all the previously identified social multimedia applications: the interoperability and extensibility of their applications. Thus, the workshop is particularly interested in research contributions based on standards. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: • Privacy in social networks • Access control in social networks • Social media analysis • Social media retrieval • Context-awareness in social networks • Mobile applications scenario • Social networks ontologies and interoperability • Security and privacy ontologies • Content distribution over social networks • Multimedia ontologies and interoperability • Multimedia search and retrieval • Semantic metadata management • Collaborative tagging • Interaction between access control and privacy policies • Social networks and policy languages • Policy management Research Papers: Papers should describe original and significant work in the research practice of related topics. (i) Long papers: up to 8 pages, will normally be focused on research studies, applications and experiments. (ii) Short papers: up to 4 pages, will be particularly suitable for reporting work-in-progress, interim results, or as a position paper submission. Applications and Industrial Presentations: Proposals for presentations of applications or tools, including project reports, industrial practices and models, or tools/systems demonstrations. Abstract: 2 pages. All submissions and proposals are to be in English and submitted in PDF format at the WISMA paper submission web site (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wisma2010) on or before 28th February 2010. Papers should be formatted according to LNCS style (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0). The workshop proceedings are to be published as a volume at CEUR Workshop Proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org). General Chair: Jaime Delgado (UPC, Spain). International Programme Committee: Anna Carreras (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain), Ansgar Scherp (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany), Bill Grosky (University of Michigan, USA), Chris Poppe (Ghent University - IBBT, Belgium), Christian Timmerer (Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria), Dominik Renzel (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Frédéric Dufaux (EPFL, Switzerland), Harald Kosch (University of Passau, Germany), Herve Bourlard (Idiap, Switzerland), Jaime Delgado (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain), Laszlo Böszörmenyi (Klagenfurt University, Austria), Marc Spaniol (MPI - Saarbrücken, Germany), Markus Strohmaier (Know Center Graz, Austria), Mathias Lux (Klagenfurt University, Austria), Michael Granitzer (Know Center Graz, Austria), Oge Marques (Florida Atlantic University, USA), Ralf Klamma (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Richard Chbeir (Bourgogne University, France), Romulus Grigoras (ENSEEIHT, France), Ruben Tous (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain), Savvas Chatzichristofis (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece), Vincent Charvillat (ENSEEIHT, France), Vincent Oria (NJIT, USA), Werner Bailer (Joanneum Research Graz, Austria), Yu Cao (California State University, Fresno, USA). Supported by: Multimedia Metadata Community Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BARCELONATECH
Received on Friday, 12 February 2010 17:38:05 UTC