Call for Participation: POLICY 2009, July 20-22, London, UK

IEEE International Symposium on Policies for
Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2009)


20-22 July 2009
Imperial College London, UK

The symposium brings together researchers and practitioners working on
policy-based systems across a range of application areas including
policy-based networking, privacy and security management, storage area
networking, and enterprise systems. POLICY 2009 has grown out of a
highly successful series of workshops and this is recognized by the
elevation of the event to an IEEE symposium.

This year, in addition to the latest research results from the
communities working in any area of policy-based management and
computing, we encourage contributions on policy-based techniques in
support of privacy and security management, including the policy
life-cycle, detection and resolution of inconsistency, refining policies
from users’ requirements, and usability issues.

[Keynote Talks]
* Is the user STILL the enemy?
Dr. Anne Adams, Institute for Educational Technology, The Open
University, UK

* Policy & IT
Dr. Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA

The programme includes 15 full papers and 16 short papers covering a
range of topics that include Privacy and Security Management, Policy
Applications, Policy Refinement, Systems and Tools, Formal Semantics of
Policies. The full programme can be seen @

Early-bird Registration Deadline: 5 June 2009
Symposium Dates: 20-22 July 2009

The symposium will be held in the heart of London, on the South
Kensington Campus of Imperial College London. Further information on the
venue and accommodation options can be found @

* IEEE Computer Society
* IEEE Communications Society
* IBM Research
* TelcordiaHP Labs
* EU-EMANICS Network of Excellence
* IBM-OCR Privacy and Security Policy Management Project

IEEE International Symposium on Policies for
Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2009)

Received on Thursday, 21 May 2009 23:45:25 UTC