F2F Outcomes

Dear all, we had a successful F2F joint-meeting with PLING/PrimeLife  
at W3C TPAC.

Some of the notes and slides are on the meeting page [1].

One of the actions items was for PLING to make recommendations to the  
W3C Media Annotations WG on the use of "rights information" for  
attaching to media. I propose we start discussing this at the next  
teleconference on 12 NOV - I have included some more information about  
this on the teleconference page [2].

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

[1] <http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/TPAC2008>
[2] <http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/2008-11-12>

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 23:54:22 UTC