- From: <ardagna@dti.unimi.it>
- Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 18:43:09 +0100 (CET)
- To: "public-pling@w3.org" <public-pling@w3.org>
Dear All, some of you already knew me, since we are working together in the EU PRIME project. For the other, let me introduce myself. I'm Claudio Ardagna and I'm a PhD student (almost at the end of my PhD course) at the University of Milan (web page: http://www.dti.unimi.it/~ardagna). My research interests are in the area of information security, distributed computing and privacy, access control, mobile networks. In particular, in these contexts, my work has mostly focused on privacy-aware access control models and languages. Also my work has faced the problem of providing a policy language and an access control system able to evaluate and enforce location-based conditions. In the last few years I have been working in the context of the EU PRIME project where, with the Seclab team at University of Milan, we are responsible for the definition of privacy languages and for the evaluation of related policies. In my view, today distributed and pervasive environments make the problem of providing “expressive but simple to understand” policies stringent. The definition, evaluation, enforcement, negotiation, and composition of policies become then critical problems in policies development. Also the need of protecting the privacy of the users makes the definition of privacy languages and policies (e.g., P3P is a first example), and the development of privacy-aware access control systems key factors for the success of the Web as a platform for the distribution of services and dissemination of information. As also said by Marco, my expectation is to engage in fruitful discussions, share experiences and make improvement in this field. Best Regards, Claudio.
Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 21:27:54 UTC