Re: Query/response mapping between different policy systems

Hi Somaya,

could you elaborate a bit more on your goals? Do you want to investigate 
interactions between different frameworks (using the same policy language and 
characteristics) or mapping between different policy languages?

If you refer to the latter, there was a short paper in POLICY 2007 ("Web Rule 
Languages to Carry Policies") on that direction. However, my main concern is 
about the scenario in which such approach is useful. If you try to map two 
different policy languages, there are two possibilities:
- Both languages have same expressiveness. Otherwise, part of the meaning of 
the policy is lost. I don't know of scenarios in which that would be 
acceptable, but if you have I would be very interested.
- Identify the common subset of the two languages and restrict the policies to 
that subset in order to allow for 100% mappings.



On Sunday 11 November 2007, Somaya Aboulwafa wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to investigate the value and the applicability of mapping
> the query/response of different policy frameworks, so that parties
> (could be agents, web services, etc.) from different policy domains
> can communicate directly in transparent manner.
> Practically speaking, I need to know what are the most needed
> transformations in the context? from which language to which?
> Does anyone working in a policy management frameworks have
> recommendations in this track?
> Regards,
> Somaya

     Dr. Daniel Olmedilla
     L3S Research Center and Hannover University
     Appelstr. 9a
     D - 30167 Hannover

     Phone: +49 (0)511-762.17741
     Fax:   +49 (0)511-762.17779

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 01:27:14 UTC