Automated Planning and Behavioral and Social Computing

Automated Planning and Scheduling Community Group,

How might AI systems utilize automated planning with models of others and selves to explore social spaces and form behavioral plans? How might AI systems, e.g., starting from genericity and moving towards specificity, learn and update their models of human users and other agents utilizing observations of behavior occurring in situational contexts?

AI systems capable of modeling, simulating, and navigating social spaces could, in addition to searching for and selecting their behaviors, advise individuals and groups about how to have more enjoyable and productive group experiences. That is, beyond equipping social simulated agents or social robots, these technologies could be of use for enhancing meetings between teachers and students in classrooms, scholars at conferences and workshops, diplomats at summits, and businesspeople at Chambers of Commerce.

I hope that you find these topics to be interesting and, if so, I recently collated (and am working to improve) a bibliography on these multidisciplinary topics: .

Is there interest, here, in discussing these or any related topics, automated planning in the contexts of behavioral and social computing? Thank you!

Best regards,
Adam Sobieski

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2023 17:31:08 UTC