- From: Chris Floersch <chrisfchb@tradecustomslogistics.net>
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 17:10:52 +0000
- To: "public-physical-ledger@w3.org" <public-physical-ledger@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BY5PR13MB4498AEF0F0481F50A0A87F76B27E9@BY5PR13MB4498.namprd13.prod.outlook.com>
Hello Physical Ledger Community Group, Pleasure to make the acquaintance! Chris Floersch here, trade consultant in US passionate about implementation of DLT for Trade. While tech agnostic (I'll embrace anyone engaged in this!) I'm most intrigued over last couple of years by IOTA. As a member of the IOTA Community, I've participated in discussions around setting up Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - DAOs - the IOTA Foundation (IF) is actively pursuing concept testing in this space. You might appreciate some of the materials the IF has put together, and I'm in process of sharing on my website: https://tradecustomslogistics.net/technology/iota-2/dao/ At this time, I'm drafting a proposal for a DAO to engage the establishment of a DLT framework globally to support trade finance, customs & logistics transactions. Please let me know if you might be interested in discussing such opportunities, are somewhat 'techie' in ability and able to engage, and explore how we might be able to expand this concept to the W3C community and others globally. Meantime - enjoy your Holiday season! Sincerely, Chris Floersch Consultant Trade Customs Logistics Mobile (424) 337-2299 chrisfchb@tradecustomslogistics.net<mailto:chrisfchb@tradecustomslogistics.net>
Received on Sunday, 26 December 2021 20:09:18 UTC