Re: Planning to close Philosophy of the Web Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you

Dear All:

the aim of my last comment is as follows: This community  ( W3c 
Philosophy of the Web) is meaningful only if it is possible to explain 
in bothways, academic and non-academic, the capabilities and standards 
of the W3C

 From an engaging perspective that Philosophy brings.

laying the foundation of the working grouo, We start with Hypertext, its 
  possibilities as well as e limits of languages and protocols standards 
which are deployed or founded in the  W3C works. ( Web and Industry, Web 
for All), : Code of Ethics and Professional manner , may be a path to 
develop and be applied in all  open and royalty-free standards,as well 
as - not being compensated with a salary, if there is the need for a 
leadership, that be shall based through  the support of benefactors and 
the Academia Community . "regardless of hardware, software, native 
language, culture, geographical location, physical or mental ability".

Previous post was just a bunch of mumblinfgs Laying the foundation of a 
standard Philosophy of The Web, as well as a close work withn the  
Technical Plenary and Advisory Committees.from W3C Working and Interest 
Groups gather, network, and try to resolve challenging technical or 
social issues.

If Henry or Alex, spaeking on kleadership,  do not have the time, we can 
close this Community


On 2023-03-06 19:20, Henry Story wrote:
>> On 6. Mar 2023, at 19:35, Alexandre Monnin <> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> It has been inactive indeed so I won't oppose its closure unless 
>> someone comes forward.
> The idea of a philosophy of the web group remains a very good idea.
> The problem is that philosophy done well takes a huge amount of time,
> requiring professional assistance. Someone needs to help people who 
> want
> to learn and who want to do the work. But philosophy also always seems 
> to
> anyone untrained to be something obvious and easy, and the
> risk is that one ends up having conversations about basics using up
> huge amount of time.
> It is said that at the entrance of Plato’s academy was written
> "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter”
> Geometry provides the type of discipline that one really needs to 
> discuss
> these topics. So I have started a group called Web Cats that looks at
> how Category Theory can be applied to the web.
> Hopefully, as a theory of the web using the unifying mathematical 
> language of
> category theory is developed, it will be easier to ask philosophical 
> questions
> about the web for which mathematical proofs can be provided as much as 
> possible.
> Of course, philosophy does not reduce to mathematics. I have one short 
> proposal
> that enters geopolitics and security called the Web of Nations that I 
> put
> forward here:
> It builds on my second-year report for a PhD thesis
> I started a few years ago, but for which I ran out of money
> In the meantime, I have been building a Solid server and access control 
> libraries
> for it.
> My aim is now to write the thesis out in smaller pieces as
> articles, as it is easier to produce those and find the right
> reviewers for them.
> In any case, I have not seen anyone really step up here to guide the 
> group.
> That would require a paid role, I think.
> Henry Story
>> All the best,
>> A.M.
>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 7:29 PM Team Community Process 
>> <> wrote:
>> Dear participants in the
>>   Philosophy of the Web Community Group
>> Your Community Group appears to have become inactive (per [1]). W3C 
>> plans to close this group in 10 days unless we hear compelling reasons 
>> from you to keep it open.
>> Thank you,
>> CG/BG System
>> [1]
> Henry Story
> WhatsApp, Signal, Tel: +33 6 38 32 69 84‬
> Twitter: @bblfish
> Mastodon:

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 02:43:44 UTC