identity and the bigger political picture -- was: Japan launches ID-system

A very good book on security written for non techies which I just read, written 
by the first non Estonian to get an Estonian ID, a writer for the Economist
"Cyberphobia: Identity, Trust, Security and the Internet "

The good thing about this book is that it does elaborate a lot on the problems that
weak identity is creating for the internet. It is a bit biased, but a good read none
the less.

An ACLU article on how social networks and identity can go wrong
"China’s Nightmarish Citizen Scores Are a Warning For Americans"

So we can well imagine that China would endorse FIDO, but owning the whole
rest of the social network, this remains a huge privacy problem.
There are certain problems you can only solve politically. A democratic tradition
is here a very big advantage. The Swiss have the most systematic tradition of that

For those speaking french, the french institute of International Relations looked at
"Guerre de l'information : le web russe dans le conflit en Ukraine"
which I translate as
"War of information: the russion web in the conflict in Ukraine"

One interesting story one finds here is how the social network there was
bought up by friends of Putin, piece by piece to put it totally under the
Kremlin control.

So identity is really important, but like all human aspects it is neither purely
technolgoical, nor pureley social nor purely individual complex but one that is a
interplay of all of these, including geo-politics.


> On 6 Oct 2015, at 20:23, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:
> A citizen identity system is a prerequisite for a cost-efficient eID.
> France doesn't have such a system which creates ridiculous amounts of paperwork, stamps and copies of electricity bills.
> Having used eID for a decade I can attest that it works pretty well.  The latest incarnation in Sweden have turned to "Apps" after Google and Microsoft decided to cripple the Web by outlawing plugins.
> Anders

Received on Tuesday, 6 October 2015 19:40:05 UTC