Re: Deadline extension [CfP:" PHILOWEB 2015: Politicizing the Future of the (Semantic) Web"]

The fee to register to the workshop only (not the conference) will be  
available soon ;)

Le Thu, 19 Feb 2015 22:12:05 +0100,  
<> a écrit:

>> On 19 Feb 2015, at 21:42, wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> The deadline to submit a paper for PhiloWeb 2015 (an ESWC 2015  
>> workshop) has been extended to March 16.
> Hello Alex,
>  il faut payer pour parler dans les conf académiques je pense non? Sinon  
> je pourrait parler de l’hermeneutique du web sémantique :-)
> Henry
>> All the best,
>> A.
>> ------- Message réexpédié-------
>> De: "  
>> <>"  
>> <  
>> <>>
>> A: " <>"  
>> < <>>
>> Cc:
>> Sujet: CfP:" PHILOWEB 2015: Politicizing the Future of the (Semantic)  
>> Web"
>> Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:00:19 +0100
>> Dear all,
>> The next PhiloWeb conference will be co-located with ESWC (as one of its
>> workshops).
>> Please find below the CfP.
>> All the best,
>> A.M.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> PHILOWEB 2015: Politicizing the Future of the (Semantic) Web
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 5th Web and philosophy conference, full day workshop@ESCWC 2015
>> May 31st 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Call for paper
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The relationship between the Web and philosophy is now at a crucial
>> turning point. While a group of philosophers and
>> philosophically-influenced scholars are increasingly interested in the
>> Web, we are facing unprecedented challenges around its future that
>> requires concerted efforts between researcher and disciplines to be
>> properly addressed. With both Internet governance and the very
>> architecture of the Web undergoing rapid change, now is the time for a
>> philosophy of the Web to help to fulfill the Web’s full potential,
>> expanding upon its fundamental principles in new terrains ranging from
>> mass surveillance to the impact of the Internet of things.
>> Even swifter is the Web-driven transformation of many previously
>> unquestioned philosophical concepts of privacy, authority, meaning,
>> identity, belief, intelligence, cognition, and even embodiment in
>> surprising ways. In response, we hope to provoke the properly
>> philosophical question of whether or not philosophy that can weave these
>> changes to technology and society into a coherent whole that can adapt  
>> the
>> principles of the Web to the age of surveillance.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subjects to be addressed include, but are not limited to
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Philosophy and Politics of Open Data and Big Data
>> * Human Rights, Internet Rights, and Tim Berners-Lee’s “Magna Carta” for
>> the Web
>> * Protocols and code as politics
>> * Algorithmic governance
>> * Transparency, Surveillance, Cryptography, and (Big/Linked/Semantic)  
>> Data
>> * Alternative accounts of semantics for the Semantic Web
>> * Philosophical roots of cybernetics, AI and the architecture of the Web
>> * The future of decentralization on the Web and Internet
>> * Knowledge in AI, KR, Semantic Web, Linked Data, open data, contrasted
>> (or enriched) with knowledge in other disciplines (especially STS)
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Some questions that may be addressed include, but are not limited to
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Can and should we code open values into the architecture of the Web or
>> Internet and how?
>> * What are the philosophical and political issues raised by federated  
>> and
>> distributed social networks?
>> * Has the dream of “code being law” turned into a nightmare, or can it
>> still be a positive account of the future?
>> * How can AI or KR, open or linked data, benefit from a more realistic
>> account of knowledge as found in Science and Technology Studies (STS)?
>> * Is Linked Data an alternative to Big data?
>> * Can we go further than a modeling diversity as a plurality of  
>> viewpoints
>> on the Semantic Web?
>> * Does the Linked Data Platform retain and extend the fundamental
>> properties of the architecture of the Web?
>> * Are the boundaries between researchers, engineers and activists  
>> blurring
>> now that the future of the Web is at stake?
>> * Is the conception of objects central to the resource-oriented Web
>> architecture comparable to that of the Internet of things (IoT)? Should  
>> a
>> Web of Things draw its inspiration from the original Web?
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Important dates
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1. Submission deadline: March 6, 2015 March 16, 2015
>> 2. Notifications: April 3, 2015
>> 3. Camera ready version: April 17, 2015
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Submissions
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Short (up to 6 pages) or extended (up to 12 pages) papers have to be
>> submitted on easychair.
>> They will be reviewed by at least two PC members.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Chairs
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Alexandre Monnin (Inria, Wimmics)
>> * Harry Halpin (W3C/MIT)
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Program Committee
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Bruno Bachimont (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
>> * Scott Lash (Goldsmiths)
>> * Primavera Di Fillippi (Paris II/Harvard Berkman Center)
>> * Francesca Musiani (CNRS)
>> * Anthony Beavers (University of Evansville)
>> * Aurélien Bénel (Université de Technologie de Troyes)
>> * Brian Cantwell Smith (Toronto)
>> * Leslie Carr (University of Southampton)
>> * Eric Dagiral (Université Paris Descartes)
>> * Jérôme Denis (Telecom ParisTech)
>> * Gunnar Declerck (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
>> * Aldo Gangemi (CNR/Paris XIII)
>> * Katherine Legg (Waikato University)
>> * Harry Halpin (IRI/W3C)
>> * Yuk Hui (Leuphana University)
>> * Pierre Livet (Université Aix-Marseille)
>> * Larry Masinter (Adobe)
>> * Christopher Menzel (Texas A&M University)
>> * Alexandre Monnin (INRIA)
>> * Ashveen Peerbaye (Université Paris-Est)
>> * Valentina Presutti (CNR)
>> * François Rastier (INALCO/CNRS)
>> * Jonathan Rees (Creative Commons)
>> * Eddie Soulier (Université de Technologie de Troyes)
>> * Henry S. Thompson (University of Edimburgh)
>> * Michalis Vafopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
>> * Petros Stefaneas (National Technical University of Athens)
>> * Tony Heys (Microsoft)
>> * Yorick Wiks (Oxford Internet Institute)
>> * Xiaoshu Wang (RENCI)
>> The PhiloWeb series of conferences was originally initiated by Alexandre
>> Monnin and Harry Halpin (  
>> <>) and its main aim
>> is to bring together researchers studying the Web and the Semantic Web
>> with Philosophers and welcome all submissions of a philosophical nature
>> involving the Web. Four PhiloWeb conferences have so far been organized:
>> PhiloWeb 2010, an international symposium in Sorbonne (Paris, France),
>> PhiloWeb 2011, co-located with PT-AI in Greece (Salonika), PhiloWeb  
>> 2012,
>> co-located with WWW 2014 as one of its workshops (Lyon, France) and
>> PhiloWeb 2014 GR in Greece, organized by Petros Stefaneas, Michalis
>> Vafopoulos, Alexandre Monnin and Harry Halpin, co-located with the 6th
>> International Conference on Information Law and Ethics, ICIL 2014
>> (Thessaloniki). In 2013, Harry Halpin was co-chair of WebScience 2013
>> while Alexandre Monnin was one of its program chairs, after which
>> philosophy was then added among the stack of disciplines relevant to Web
>> Science.
> Social Web Architect


* Membre du collège d'experts Open Data de la mission Etalab du Premier  
* Chercheur associé chez Inria (EPI Wimmics, Sophia Antipolis)
* Co-initiateur du projet DBpedia Francophone et SemanticPedia
* Docteur en philosophie à Paris 1 Panthéon -Sorbonne (PHICO, EXeCO) -  
Thèse sur la philosophie du Web : disponible et annotable sur
* Co-chair du Community Group "Philosophy of the Web" au W3C
* Organisateur des "Rencontres du Web de données",
Twitter : @aamonnz & @PhiloWeb,
PhiloWeb on Dailymotion, PhiloWeb discussion list @INRIA

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2015 21:15:51 UTC