Re: Towards a Philosophy of the Web (PhD defense at Sorbonne)

Dear All,

For those who might be interested, my thesis is now available online  
through open access (it's still in French though!):

All the best,
Alexandre Monnin

Le Wed, 27 Mar 2013 20:22:32 +0100,  
<> a écrit:

> Dear all,
> I'm happy to announce that I will be defending my PhD thesis on the
> philosophy of the Web in Sorbonne on April 8 :
> Towards a Philosophy of the Web. The Web as Philosophy becoming artefact
> (between URIs, tags, ontologies and resources).
> For those in Paris, that will take place salle Louis Liard :
> Here's the summary :
> :
> The aim of this thesis is to account for the importance of the Web from a
> philosophical point of view. In a twofold fashion: as an object for
> research that, in the wake of the Semantic Web and Webarch, in different
> ways, is obviously consonant with many classical issues in metaphysics  
> and
> the philosophy of language. From this perspective, we study some of its
> main building blocks (URI, resources, tags, etc.). Along with this  
> aspect,
> we underline its importance as regards what’s becoming of philosophy
> itself. This is all the more important since the task at hand demanded
> that we did not project philosophical categories a priori and lend
> ourselves to commit the “inscription error” acutely described by Brian
> Cantwell Smith, by resorting to a form of philosophia perennis.
> Conversely, we tried to focus our attention on Web architects themselves
> in order to bring their empirical metaphysics to the forefront, observing
> the controversies to which it lent itself. By acknowledging the «
> ontogonic » scope of such a practice as « philosophical engineering », an
> expression coined by no other than Tim Berners-Lee himself, understood as
> the production of new distinctions and entities like resources in a world
> that unfolds, we were made to ponder broader topics like the nature of
> objectivation. In the end, this gave rise to political concerns in line
> with the establishment of a shared world, in which the Web is heavily
> involved.
> And the jury :
> M. Bruno Bachimont (Directeur à la Recherche, UTC, rapporteur)
> M. Brian Cantwell Smith (Professeur, Université de Toronto, examinateur)
> Mme Christiane Chauviré (Professeure Emérite, Paris 1, directrice)
> M. Fabien Gandon (Chargé de Recherche, Inria Sophia Antipolis,  
> examinateur)
> M. Antoine Hennion (Directeur de Recherche, Mines ParisTech, rapporteur)
> Mme Sandra Laugier (Professeure, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
> examinatrice)
> M. Richard Rogers (Professeur, Université d’Amsterdam, examinateur)
> All the best,
> Alexandre Monnin.


Membre du collège d'experts Open Data de la mission Etalab du Premier  
Chercheur associé chez Inria (EPI Wimmics, Sophia Antipolis) -  
Co-initiateur du projet DBpedia Francophone et SemanticPedia
Docteur en philosophie à Paris 1 Panthéon -Sorbonne (PHICO, EXeCO) - Thèse  
sur la philosophie du Web

Co-chair du Community Group "Philosophy of the Web" au W3C
Organisateur des "Rencontres du Web de données"

Twitter : @aamonnz & @PhiloWeb, PhiloWeb,,  
PhiloWeb on Dailymotion, PhiloWeb discussion list @INRIA

Received on Friday, 1 November 2013 09:09:17 UTC