RE: Political Rhetoric, Philosophy, and Digital Textbook Selection Processes


Adam, Web Philosophy Community Group, 

Thank you v. m.for your kind

Bst Regards 


A 2013-01-11 05:06, Adam Sobieski

> Web Philosophy Community Group,
> Greetings. Thank you.
I would like to address a possible miscommunication. Delfi Ramirez'
comment: "Last year I was impressed by the following idea, a young
enterpreneur from Sweden gave to me: People should be able to find what
you they are looking for based on their personal interests. There is no
need to create a pre-established model or catalogue." In response to my
comment: "While some have considered web-based app store models for the
sale of textbooks to schoolboards, others consider models with
schoolboard-local databases and client-side software, models where each
schoolboard can have each candidate digital textbook in their database
and where each schoolboard member can make use of computer technology
during group processes. We can see that a niche exists for such tools
and equipment, collaborative software, and that argumentation
technologies can enhance such software." could be a miscommunication and
I wanted to take a moment to make sure that there was not a
> There is a niche for schoolboard software as
described and there is a need to create software for schoolboards. Each
individual is free to create digital textbooks, textbooks which no
longer require a printing press, each individual is free to do business
with publishers or not to, as convenient to them, and each author can
fill out paperwork for their digital textbooks to be considered by
schoolboards. Each scientist, group of scientists, each science
department at each university, and each science laboratory has the
option to create digital science textbooks, for example. The
schoolboards require new tools with which to explore am arbitrarily
large set of digital textbooks competing in a free marketplace.
Kind regards,
> Adam Sobieski


Tel: + 34 616




Received on Friday, 11 January 2013 07:48:20 UTC