issue-633 update for today's meeting

The issue 633 branch visible at:


Includes the following updates ready for discussion.


1.       The articlefeed description has been rewritten for clarity and to
address most feedback raised in last week's meeting.

2.       The aria-feedappendcount and aria-feedprependcount properties have
been added.

3.       The article role is updated to include support for aria-pposinset
and aria-setsize when in the context of an articlefeed.

4.       The aria-busy state description has been rewritten to clarify
intent and align it with the use described in the articlefeed role


I have NOT finished the following:

1.       Incorporating last week's feedback into the grid role description.

2.       Updating the itemfeed role description to incorporate the
improvements made to the articlefeed description.


Received on Thursday, 24 September 2015 16:33:21 UTC