Re: ARIA 1.1: Deprecate @aria-grabbed and @aria-dropeffect

On Sep 15, 2015, at 1:02 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <> wrote:

> We cannot bank on one Widget library doing this. jQueryUI only has 4% market share:
> There is strong indication that its use is dropping. 

jQuery was just an example because Bryan mentioned it. My comment was:

>> jQuery *and other well-maintained libraries* update to include the most performant native HTML features when they become available.

Certainly the fact that there are ~1000 JavaScript frameworks on the Web is evidence that a native implementation is more desirable than putting the onus on the framework developers.

I think there may be enough in the HTML 5.1 spec to make native HTML drag&drag accessible. I know that there is not enough in the ARIA spec to make drag&drop accessible on all platforms. We could let it limp along, or we could deprecate it. I think the responsible decision is to deprecate it and focus on the good parts of ARIA.


Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2015 23:03:40 UTC