Re: ARIA 1.1: Deprecate @aria-grabbed and @aria-dropeffect

> On Sep 11, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Bryan Garaventa <> wrote:
> I understand the confusion, and I agree that drag/drop is misleading, but what I’m referring to is a feedback issue that matches visual equivalents.
> For example, the ARIA attribute aria-grabbed indicates only that an item has been ‘grabbed’, not ‘dragged’, which to me conveys a difference that doesn’t necessarily require the use of a mouse drag/drop action.

To me, "grabbed" is an ambiguous variant of dragged. 

> I have a demo comparison that illustrates why this is useful at

You're not cancelling your key events properly, so it doesn't work on Mac OS X El Capitan, either. 

Furthermore, ARIA grabbed/droptarget demos that do not work with drag&drop only serve to further confuse an already confused audience of web authors that legitimately want to make their interfaces accessible, but do not know how.

> From what I’m seeing, the only proposal being made is to deprecate the attributes,

That's correct.

> but nothing is being suggested to replace this with something else that provides equal accessibility.

That's also correct. In my opinion, accessible drag&drop on the web can only be reasonably solved by an HTML API, not an ARIA retrofit. HTML5's drag& drop API was lacking, but a future version may solve it.


Received on Friday, 11 September 2015 17:29:18 UTC