Mail discussion thread: Issue 633 and Action 1688 (interactive listitems/treeitems)


in last PF meeting I got the task to open a mail discussion thread regarding:

"Listbox and tree may contain only static items, badly need interactive widgets that can contain interactive typed items"
Issue 633:

"Draft proposal for aria-interactive"
Action 1688:
So .. here we go.
>From my perspective, there is really room for improvement in ARIA spec, since it is common practice in contemporary UIs to "select" individual listitems, although here is no aria-selected property for them since they are considered as structural roles, not as widgets.
If we go the 3rd path listitems/treeitems being neither single widgets nor simple structural elements and don't want to use role=listbox and role=option, we have to discuss TWO cases here for listitems/treeitems:

1)  Listitems/treeitem are interactive on their own (can be selected, their text nodes edited and so on) and have *NO* individually focusable subparts (the structural role is limited to one member in container)

2)  Listitems/treeitem are interactive on their own *AND* contain individually focusable subparts (comes with the need for a obliging keyboard spec to access the subparts)
Both cases seem represented/covered in the new role proposal "listview" which is already out in the field (mentioned in Issue 633) but needs massive refinement.
OK .. fire at will .. discussion is open.

-  Stefan

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 08:34:13 UTC