Fwd: [css-content] Request for note regarding selection, search, and accessibility of generated content

> From: Rodney Rehm <mail+w3list@rodneyrehm.de>
> Subject: Re: [css-content] Request for note regarding selection, search, and accessibility of generated content
> Date: 23 Nov 2015 16:48:48 CET
> To: michiel@agosto.nl, florian@rivoal.net, jdiggs@igalia.com
>>> On 23 Nov 2015, at 03:37, Florian Rivoal <florian@rivoal.net
>>> wrote:
>>> By default (as per the legacy behavior), generated content in pseudo elements is not searchable/copyable/selectable. However, using the user-select property on the pseudos could make them searchable/copyable/selectable.
>> That doesn’t sound like a viable solution; it’s essentially the same as having to 
>> add box-sizing: border-box; to everything.
>> Are there cases where it is preferable the user cannot select text in generated content?
>> And do those outnumber the cases where it’s preferable they can select it?
> If the existing specification never actually declared generated content to be non-selectable, making it selectable by default should be fine. I don’t expect the majority of websites and developers to even notice this change. And if it does prove to be a problem, one can always disable text-selection using the user-select property. Allowing the text to be selected feels like the sane default.
> Cheers,
> Rod

Received on Monday, 23 November 2015 15:50:51 UTC