Re: FW: Proposal: remove aria-describedat from the ARIA 1.1 specification

On 13 November 2015 at 15:49, Gunderson, Jon R <> wrote:

> Steve,
> It seems like we are always finding complicated and indirect ways to show
> important relationships for long descriptions and instructions.
> ARIA doesn’t even define a role=”description” or role=”instructions” even
> though we talk about defining relationships to these concepts all the time
> and WCAG 2.0 defines “description” and “instructions” relationships as
> important for accessibility.
> Just trying to represent the author in these issues in proposing solutions
> that simplifies accessibility for authors.

Hi Jon, talking about this use case how is use of details/summary

I am all for supporting authors, but don't want us to waste time on
speciing new features such as img twisty that I am sure will not get
implementer support.

As far as aria defining new roles, i belive that role=description is
already being discussed.


Current Standards Work @W3C

Received on Friday, 13 November 2015 15:59:09 UTC