Minutes for Monday, 12 October 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

For completeness: the lost minutes of the 12 October call, as text in this e-mail and at this URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/12-aria-apg-minutes.html



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

           Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference

12 Oct 2015

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2015/10/12-aria-apg-irc


          (no, one), JamesNurthen, JemmaKu, jongund, AnnAbbott,
          MattKing, Raghu, Michiel_Bijl, IanPouncey,
          Bryan_Garaventa, LJWatson




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Pattern work status page update
         2. [5]checkbox example review (John)
         3. [6]Example template and example coding practices
     * [7]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 12 October 2015

   <scribe> Meeting: ARIA APG TF

   <JemmaKu> + jemmaku


      [8] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/checkbox/checkbox-1.html

   Discuss status of example development.

   2 template examples:


      [9] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/coding-template/template2.html


     [10] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/afc179d3cf5ae3496d46080b216ab6751613c16e/examples/coding-template/template3.html


     [11] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/checkbox/checkbox-3.html

   <scribe> scribe: jamesn

Pattern work status page update

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Aria-Authoring-Practices-Patterns-Status

   MK: no changes
   ... working on menu right now but didn't finish it
   ... last week we left the conversation - we are not done with

   <JemmaKu> me/waves hello to Michiel

   MK: was looking for another bug on the menu pattern - 1 is out
   of order

   jn: I will submit the other bug

checkbox example review (John)


     [13] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/checkbox/checkbox-1.html


     [14] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/checkbox/checkbox-3.html

   JN: space doesn't seem to toggle the all condiments checkbox

   JK: can look into fixing

   MB: why are we using divs rather than checkboxes
   ... i think we should encourage people to use the native

   JG: If i am building a checkbox out of SVG then you don't have
   ... you are not suggesting having a role on a checkbox are you?

   MB: no
   ... suggesting having a mix of html checkboxes and aria
   checkboxed like i did with buttons

   JG: waht is the advantage of that

   MK: if using a native checkbox you don't need any aria at all
   ... I guess that is true of button too
   ... could make a toggle button or a menu button out of an html

   MB: we should encourage people to use native elements if they

   MK: if you were using actual checkboxes what would you use aria

   MB: in my view we should show both sidesa

   JG: could put a note in it

   <MichielBijl> Note: When using HTML use the <button> element.
   It is recommended that authors not re-purpose other elements to
   create buttons.

   MK: we put comething like that in link

   JG: could add some standard ones to the mixed example
   ... in this case standard checkboxes are used and role=checkbox
   was used on the mixed one

   MK: we would end up putting that note in everything that has an
   HTML equivalent

   JG: would make examples more complex if have to explain why
   there are mixes of things

   BG: see a lot of devs that put role=checkbox on checkboxes
   ... when aria checkboxes are handy is on touchscreen. People
   make checkboxes where the only thing visible is the label, but
   there is no visible checkbox there
   ... on desktop can use off-screen standard checkbox. on mobile
   that doesn't work so well

   MB: we encourage people to use native elements.

   JG: we are not trying to teach people how to use a standard
   checkbox. there are other places for that

   MK: thinking a little about the points steve makes in using
   aria in html docs
   ... it is the aria authoring practices guide
   ... we do want to help people using aria in html do so
   ... you are starting to sway me Jon. Because there are places
   that there is redundancy in aria.
   ... if put <main> role=main is still enouraged in some places
   ... i don't know if that is still a good idea

   MB: i view it as a place to send devs to learn how to do a
   design pattern

   MK: we are trying to cover the aria roles

   JG: we should do the roles we want people to use
   ... the main thing of documenting the patterns with an example
   for each role. Then see if have bandwidth to work on

   MK: already have a plan for which ones we are going to do
   ... i don't think we need a plain html checkbox example, but a
   note would be good
   ... in the notes column - could add a note that "role checkbox
   is not applied to the standard checkboxed but is to the aria

   BG: could be useful to note which roles have implicit native
   ... there are others which do not have native semantics

   MK: i wonder if we should incorporate the implicit semantic
   language into this document someplace
   ... either do this or refer to it in steves document
   ... Jon if you can do the 3rd example that way for the mixed
   checkbox and add the note as described

   IP: role presentation doesn't make an attribute optional
   ... aria-describedby attriebutes don't have an element with
   that ID


     [15] http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/F38.html

   role=presentation doesn't allow you to skip alt="" according to
   the html validator

   JN: WCAG allows it

   MK: I want to get the language about implicit semantics into
   the APG in appropriate places
   ... dont know yet if it would be good to have a section about
   implicit semantics and reference it or come up with a short

   LW: once is easiest


   LW: can also link to the mapping documents from that
   ... i think it is worth taking a handful of sentences to
   expalin it

   JG: checbox 2 will reference aria-describedby for a grouping

   the aria-describedby will say what group the checkbox belongs

Example template and example coding practices


     [16] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/coding-template/template2.html


     [17] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/coding-template/template2.html


     [18] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/afc179d3cf5ae3496d46080b216ab6751613c16e/examples/coding-template/template3.html

   <JemmaKu> thanks, James

   MK: MB also brought this up

   JG: the basic compoennts of bothe templates is the same

   JK: let me copy the new link for template 3


     [19] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/afc179d3cf5ae3496d46080b216ab6751613c16e/examples/coding-template/template3.html

   MB: I would go for the checkbox example as I dont like tables

   JN: tells people what is implemented and what isn't

   MK: tells people which decisions are made and what aren't

   JG: if we can reinforce things it is good

   AA: i agree with Jon

   <JemmaKu> I fixed the coding.


     [20] https://cdn.rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/coding-template/template3.html

   MB: should add a line which states that this is the support for
   this implementaiton

   MK: on the checkbox example page there is a heading of simple
   ... right under there is coding exmample heading

   JG: checknbox 1 simple checkbox - there would be no special
   name other than coding exmaple
   ... or would we assume that right after h1 the coding example
   would start'

   MK: these are rendered checkboxes so coding example is
   ... i dont think we need 2 H1s

   JG: thinking about SEO putting stuff in the banner would help

   MK: H1 in the banner is fine but next in the page should be an
   H2 - simple checkbox example
   ... dont know if we always want to number the examples -
   perhaps name them

   JG: checkbox role: simple checkbox

   MK: prefer checkbox pattern: simple checkboix

   LW: where we have variants perhaps keep 1 per page and then
   have related patterns

   MK: we have the cell in the table where we have examples

   LW: also perhaps have related patterns linking to the other

   MK: 1 pattern per page

   JN: sounds like editorial work
   ... to add links if we decide we want them

   JG: assumed that the example would start after the h1?

   MK: fine to have an H2 after it before the example

   JK: just an h1 in the main content - don't need a banner

   JG: H1 will include checkbox pattern to mark the start of the

   MK: wanted to put the code in the ewxamples on the agenda?

   MB: want to look at the descrtiption in the checkbox example
   ... is there a name for this style of comments

   JK: working on refactoring and the comments
   ... using jsdoc

   MB: like we are using 2 spaces instead of tabs. a bit more

   IP: commetns about js style
   ... I think argument for 4 spaced tabs as more commonly used
   and would make it easier to copy into wider sodebases
   ... variables that are global which we need to avoid
   ... all the functions are global which we need to avoid
   ... I would suggest we stick with semi-colons rather than not
   using semi-colons
   ... it will work but you need to understand the rules and not
   many who say they do actually do

   MK: a lot of devs don't understand when it is ok to skip
   semi-colons so better to have everywhere

   IP: reduces cognitive load
   ... I don't get the argument that it makes your file larger is
   a good one


   IP: in the case of groupboxstate = .... changed to lower case ,
   should set the true or false, but there is a convention of
   creating a variable with values in upercase and then compare
   against your "constant" when setting and getting

   <LJWatson> +1 to using ;

   JK: should i submit code revioew to github and that would be
   the best way

   IP: as we decide need to document them

   <LJWatson> +1 to code reviews (friendly ones :)

   MK: the purpose of it being on the agenda is to decide the
   conventions we wantr to have
   ... if we are going to have them then need to document them

   <MichielBijl> Link to git issue:

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/95

   MK: are we going to have a long list of things

   IP: can link to existing standarrds
   ... must pass a jshint lint test with certain settings
   ... github has their own standards etc.
   ... would be my approach to link out to things
   ... using jsdoc is a good decision
   ... if keep it very simple then can use external tools

   MB: I have a csscomb file for everything i create
   ... for css files

   IP: do we have anything on the wiki for how to contribute
   ... if so it should be there

   MK: need exactly what you are saying on the wiki
   ... trying to go to the participation pages

   <JemmaKu> I like git issue Michiel created. This would be very
   helpful for coding sinceI am not js developer yet

   MK: seems like a michael thing that stuff in the pf pages are
   very out of date

   LW: problem i found with github is that our work was in the
   main repo

   <JemmaKu> having some standard coding practice doc would be
   very helpful.

   LW: it still may be possible but need to work out how not to
   get in other peoples way

   <JemmaKu> question to Ian

   <JemmaKu> +q

   MK: a page on how to contribute would be very useful

   LW: more complex than it ought to be as we have multiple lines
   of work in the same repo

   JN: should bring this up on the editors call

   MB: before meeting ends
   ... was working on the alert example - when I started on the
   code example
   ... wanted to share the progress


     [22] http://s.codepen.io/Michiel/debug/0f9ce27964f35b55d3e7628d91874c2e.js


     [23] http://s.codepen.io/Michiel/debug/0f9ce27964f35b55d3e7628d91874c2e

   MB: wanted some feedback
   ... no way to get a list of focusable elements...
   ... there is no way to get an array of focusable elements
   ... wondering if someone had a more reliable way of doing it
   ... jqueryui guys do it the same way

   IP: dont think there is a native way

   MB: the way I do it doesn't work.


     [24] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelectorAll

   IP: does it in the order of your selector
   ... rather than write the script so it focuses on the first or
   last. could put a selector in a data attribute and then set
   focus to that

   MK: should read the describedby so long as anything in the
   dialog gets focus
   ... the author can specify which element should get focus when
   it opens

   IP: the things which read out a long describedby and then the
   element with focus. is this something you want to hear? or
   would you prefer to get a tab press first

   MK: jaws will read the description last
   ... others may do it differently....title then description and
   then focused element
   ... always easy to do VO-F3 etc to find where the focus is

   IP: you are happy with that
   ... I would set focus on the container

   MK: I think it should always go to the first piece of content

   BG: as far as screen reader behaviour goes. aria-describedby
   should only be annunced once in the dialog but Ie11 w/ JAWS is
   announcing it on each tab press

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [25]scribe.perl version
    1.140 ([26]CVS log)
    $Date: 2015/10/12 18:30:55 $

     [25] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [26] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/default file/csscomb file/
Found Scribe: jamesn
Inferring ScribeNick: jamesn
Present: (no one) JamesNurthen JemmaKu jongund AnnAbbott MattKing Raghu
Michiel_Bijl IanPouncey Bryan_Garaventa LJWatson

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 12 Oct 2015
Guessing minutes URL: [28]http://www.w3.org/2015/10/12-aria-apg-minutes.
People with action items:

     [28] http://www.w3.org/2015/10/12-aria-apg-minutes.html

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     [29] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

Received on Monday, 9 November 2015 20:23:56 UTC