Re: Discussion of adding table role vs using grid with aria-interactive=false in June 3, 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

On 2015-06-04 4:26 AM, Matthew King wrote:
> Today, the discussion of how to use ARIA to represent static tables 
> continues.
> There are 2 radically different proposals on the table:

Pun intended?

> We do have precedence for properties that affect mapping, e.g., 
> aria-pressed, and aria-haspopup on button. But, those features do not 
> create a level of complexity similar to this proposal for tables.

Another example is role tablist with aria-multiselectable="false" versus 
aria-multiselectable="true".    The former is a tablist.  The latter is 
an accordion.  The rationale is that none of the AAPIs have an accordion 
role.  In order to communicate "accordion", the accessible object 
exposes the platform's tablist role with its multiselectable property set.

I'm wondering if that technique worked for tablist/accordion since it is 
less complicated than the current grid/aria-interacive proposal.  If it 
was too confusing in the tablist case, then that would suggest actual 
roles for static tables is a better approach.


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 15:06:12 UTC