RE: accessible footnotes and the aria-flowto attribute

What I would like to see in any footnote set of roles would be a way to not only link to the footnote, but also back from it to where it is referenced.
If a single footnote is referenced from more than one element on the page either the browser accessibility API would somehow remember where the user altered the reading order to get to the footnote, or would offer user a list of all elements on the page that reference the footnote.
For screen readers at least Jaws with FF33, the aria-flowto implementation accomplishes this very elegantly, but I have not seen any other combo of browser and A.T. support this.
If we do not have the two-way navigation options, there is very little that a footnote mechanism buys us over a skip link.

We could repurpose role note for footnotes, I think it is pretty much the same.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Craig [] 
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 1:29 PM
To: W3C WAI Protocols & Formats
Cc: Birkir Gunnarsson; George Kerscher
Subject: Re: accessible footnotes and the aria-flowto attribute

Switching to the public list.

@aria-flowto doesn't buy us much here over a standard link. 

Why not just use rel=footnote as defined in HTML4? I think I would oppose a new @aria-footnote attribute, but I believe role=footnote would be okay on the target of the link that specified rel=footnote. 

> On Jan 3, 2015, at 7:20 AM, George Kerscher <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Ibooks, Readium, and other reading systems use footnotes extensively. Using the aria-footnote attribute proposed by  the DPUB interest group

If you have the link to the proposal, its good to keep that inline with the discussion. 

> will correctly identify the semantics of the element. There are several behaviors that reading systems have evolved to address the wanted behavior.
> Best
> George
> From: Birkir Gunnarsson [] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 4:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: accessible footnotes and the aria-flowto attribute
>> Happy new year to thee lords and ladies.
>> I have a quick question on the aria-flowto attribute and making footnote navigation accessible in html.
>> I know we have proposed ways to make footnotes more accessible, which is a good thing.
>> But we already have a pretty useful attribute for this, namely aria-flowto.
>> The only combination of screen reader and browser that supports this is Jaws with FF (tested with 33).
>> Putting the id of the alternative reading order (the footnote) on the associate element causes Jaws to announce “flows available) as you navigate to the element with a footnote.
>> Pressing “=” takes user to the element.
>> Pressing shift-= will take user back from the footnote to the triggering element.
>> Even when you have more than one elements associated with a single footnote, Jaws offers a list of matches, and if there is an accessible name available (using aria-label on a div actually worked), user can select from a pop-up list.
>> So my question is basically, was this element abandoned or are we just facing a case of screen reader vendors and browser manufacturers not putting this high in the pecking order of things to do (and this is not meant as a criticism, there is a lot that has to be done).
>> The thing is that the implementation described above was mentioned at CSUN 2011 so it has been around for awhile.
>> At least in HTML this looks easy and ideal to me, so the question is more of supporting an existing element than inventing new and more complex mechanisms to achieve the same purpose.
>> Thanks to anyone willing and able to shed some light on this situation.
>> -Birkir
>> Birkir Gunnarsson
>> Sr. Accessibility Consultant

Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 20:31:29 UTC