FW: Microsoft Connect - Internet Explorer Feedback (IE): Feedback item 932295 Comment or Request for Information, The State for ARIA Radio controls is not properly mapped in the Accessibility Tree in IE

Does anybody know if this means that the 'selected' state is used instead of 'checked'?

If 'selected', it will cause problems.

-----Original Message-----
From: msftconn@microsoft.com [mailto:msftconn@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 5:14 PM
To: bryan.garaventa@whatsock.com
Subject: Microsoft Connect - Internet Explorer Feedback (IE): Feedback item 932295 Comment or Request for Information, The State for ARIA Radio controls is not properly mapped in the Accessibility Tree in IE

Greetings from Microsoft Connect!

This notification was generated for feedback item: The State for ARIA Radio controls is not properly mapped in the Accessibility Tree in IE (http://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/932295/the-state-for-aria-radio-controls-is-not-properly-mapped-in-the-accessibility-tree-in-ie) which you submitted at the Microsoft Connect (http://connect.microsoft.com) site.

In Edge, we have made these consistent. Both are now Selected.

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the Microsoft Connect Team

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Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 00:21:50 UTC