Re: Can I make a suggestion for permalinks within the W3C spec docs?

Can  you examine the permalinks in the current draft?  These are quite
different than what is in the last ARIA Recommendation.  I am just
wondering if we are doing a better job now?

For example, this is one

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Bryan Garaventa <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been noticing for a while that the permalinks associated with each
> section are only conveyed as "#" in the virtual buffer when arrowing while
> using JAWS, and based on the markup this makes sense given what the naming
> calculation states.
> E.G
> <a title="Permalink for button" href="roles#button">#</a>
> Since I use these all the time when writing reports, I have to do all of
> the following steps just to get the correct url plus content:
> 1. Activate the link, causing the page to reload.
> 2. Jump to the address bar (Alt+D)
> 3. Copy the url then jump away (Alt+Tab) to paste it somewhere.
> 4. Jump back (Alt+Tab) where I am set back on the address bar.
> 5. Since I have lost my place in the doc, now I need to press Enter on the
> address bar again to reload the page and move back to the referenced
> section.
> 6. Navigate down into the content and copy the desired quote for copying
> and pasting elsewhere.
> It would be helpful if the permalink was included within the accessible
> name for this link, so I wouldn't need to reload the page twice in my
> effort to copy all of the desired content.
> As an example, I've included functionality such as this at
> Which I just copied from the virtual buffer and pasted here.
> Markup:
> <a title="Permalink:" class="permalink"
> aria-label="Permalink:" href="
>"><span aria-hidden="true">#</span></a>
> Technically it doesn't need the aria-label, but I added this to jump the
> queue in the naming calculation, and aria-hidden prevents the # from
> hijacking the accessible name over title, which is what is happening for
> the W3C permalinks.
> This wouldn't require wide scale editing, I just wrote a JavaScript
> function to do this automatically as a permalink generator, but the
> difference in time it takes me to use this type of information would be
> significantly improved by doing something like this within the specs.
> Just a suggestion :)

Shane McCarron
Managing Director, Applied Testing and Technology, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 9 April 2015 21:40:10 UTC