Re: ACTION-1497 - Proposal for accessible description glossary definition

I don't think there is anything specific about the definition that limits it to non-visual uses. 

> On Sep 21, 2014, at 4:49 AM, lisa.seeman <> wrote:
> IS the intended main audience non visual users?
> (As appose to coga users, for example?) Extra, and consistent  help text is a main concern for other groups as well, but the test would typically be completely different. 
> If  the intended main audience IS non visual users I suggest the name be more  specific, so that people do not confuse helping non visual users, crucial though it is,  with helping everyone who needs accessibility accommodation.
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman
> Athena ICT Accessibility Projects  <>
> LinkedIn <>, Twitter <>
> ---- On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 05:33:37 +0300 James Craig<> wrote ---- 
>> On Sep 19, 2014, at 3:41 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger < <>> wrote:
>> Accessible Description
>>     The accessible description provides help information about an interface element or how it is used in the form of a string.
> Probably no need for "in the form of a string." 
>> Each platform accessibility API provides an accessible description property.
> This is incorrect. I'd just remove the sentence.
>> The value of the accessible description may be derived from a reference to content within a web page (visible or invisible) that is converted to a string. In some host languages the reference to the accessible description may be implied such as through the use of the <desc> element in SVG. 
> Here's my draft two based on Rich's original:
> The accessible description provides help information about an interface element or about how it is used. The value of the accessible description may be derived from a reference to visible or invisible content within a web page, or the accessible description may be defined by host language features, such as the <desc> element in SVG.

Received on Sunday, 21 September 2014 20:37:56 UTC